How to discover If I am related to more than one Mayflower passenger?

+3 votes
I am directly related to both Thomas and Joseph Rogers (Mayflower passengers) can I claim descendancy to their extended family. For example I am related to James Rogers. He married Mary Paine. Does that mean I am also related to the Paine line?
in Genealogy Help by Frederick Rogers G2G6 Mach 1 (14.0k points)

4 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer
Interesting that you have a direct paternal line to the Mayflower Rogers. I have the same ancestor and am a 10th cousin one time removed.

You seem to have some connections to other Mayflower passengers within about 15 degrees.

Check out the Connection finder and the Relationship finder in the Find menu.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
selected by Frederick Rogers
After perusing his family tree he descends from the Howland family (and therefore Tilley family) as well as the Hopkins family.

There was a fair amount of intermarriage among the Pilgrim descendants withIn a few generations, so multiple descents are not uncommon.
+6 votes
"Related to" is a very broad category.  It can be used to describe cousins who are a dozen times removed.  When discussing the Mayflower, people are generally interested in whether or not they are "descended from" one of the passengers.

The easiest way to find if you have a relationship to someone is to go to their profile, click on their ID number at the top right corner, and select "Relationship to Me" on the drop down menu.

You and I are "10th cousins twice removed."
by Living Emmons G2G6 Pilot (182k points)
Thank you cousin Sandra.
comment/question, my understanding being  at 10th cousins, etc does not make you a descendant from the perspective of a direct descendant which is what 'they' consider for membership, that would be a 'grandchild'. agreed?
We are cousins as well through Mary Paine on connection finder so that should also connect you to Stephen Hopkins and his daughter.
+7 votes

Fred - An easier way that using Relationship Finder is to use Ancestor Listmaker (found under Family Tree & Tools in your Rogers-26564 menu). Select 13 generations, select Mayflower Passengers as the list type, and click "Show number of lines to same ancestor". It shows you are descended from 11 different Mayflower Passengers, with 18 different lines of descent. You can then click the -><- icon to the right of any name in the list to see all your lines of descent from that passenger. (Note that both Relationship Finder and Ancestor Listmaker are entirely dependent on the profile connections in WikiTree.)

by Chase Ashley G2G6 Pilot (328k points)
Thank you Chase. Godspeed
I can't find the Ancestor Listmaker in my Family Tree & Tools???
It should be the second app listed in the Genealogy Research box under your family tree on the Family Tree & Tools page.
Well, I have "Ancestor List for L Sauls," "Ancestor Statistics" (which is interesting, but doesn't do a list of any sort), then "Brick Wall Ancestors." I wonder why Ancestor Listmaker is on yours, but not mine.... I found the app by searching G2G; I am trying it after changing my privacy...

Now the link appears. Thanks!
Hmmm. That's a WikiTree issue. Nothing I can do anything about except point it out to Jamie Nelson.

Here's the direct link to the app:
Thanks Chase,

Your app verified the 12 I knew about and showed me an additional line to Francis Cooke via his daughter Mary (one of your profiles) that I had not yet discovered.

John Kingman
+3 votes
In my opinion, yes. Picture removing the 8 or 9 generations so that Mary Paine became your grandmother, the mother of your father, are you related to Mary Paine's parents? The answer is yes. You have paternal as well as maternal great grandparents, 2nd great grandparents and so forth. Keep in mind that there is a significant difference between a direct paternal or maternal line versus collateral lines, e.g. cousins, 2nd cousins, etc.
by Dave Robison G2G1 (1.8k points)

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