Comments on Sir Roger de Clifford (d.1284-86) of Tenbury

+4 votes

Hello G2G

Medieval France & England folks, please review this family group and the comments I left on the wife profiles. We have an extra wife profile; and seem to have conflated the two wives, if prior research is correct.  

This is this notional multi-family-group:

Hugh de Gournay =m1 NN [poss. Hawise de Boteller] m2=m1 Roger de Clifford m1= NN [poss. Maud de Courteney] ?m2= Philippe de Dampierre

...which is easiest (for me) to conceive of as being this man's ecosystem:,_1885-1900/Clifford,_Roger_de_(d.1285%3F)

Some testy debate and super-useful primary sources here:

On 30 Oct 2020 Isaac Taylor wrote on Clifford-401:

The wives are garbled and 1 needs merging away, another renaming. Please see my comments,_1885-1900/Clifford,_Roger_de_(d.1285%3F) This is complex history; please take the time to read the entire SGM thread and focus exclusively on the original primary source evidence and the secondary professional analyses relying on it, rather than the tertiary ad hominem attacks between 21st century genealogists on that list.

WikiTree profile: Roger de Clifford
in Genealogy Help by NN Taylor G2G6 Mach 1 (10.6k points)
edited by NN Taylor

2 Answers

+5 votes
Isaac, your comment says "please see my comments" but I don't see any others. Is this another case where comments have been removed?
by Andrew Lancaster G2G6 Pilot (149k points)
Hello Andrew, thanks for taking a look so promptly.

Given the issues pertain to the identity and profile-management tasks of Sir Roger's 2 wives, I left my comment on their profiles:

Broadly speaking, the tasks ahead reduce to:

- Validating identity of 1st wife (Boteller?)

- Validating identity of 2nd wife (Courteney of Loretto?)

- Merging away one of the 3 profiles

- Correctly placing children

- Connecting parents and other spouses
Ha! I have not promised to work on it, but I was going to look. If RJ knows the story better maybe...

Isaac, when are you going to go for pre-1500 certification? :)
+6 votes
Roger gets a page of small print in Royal Ancestry 2013 - Vol 5 p. 184.  It's moved on a bit from 2004.

Married 1st bef 1242 Maud ____, widow of Hugh de Gournay.  They had one son Roger

Married 2nd at St George d'Esperance, France (a Savoy fief) in June 1273 _____, Countess of Loreto, possibly widow of Conrad of Antioch, Count of Loreto (living 1268).

By an uncertain wife, he had a daughter Alice [no husband named].
by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (655k points)
Interesting man genealogically, as his mother was descended from Ethelred the Unready and Queen Emma.  His son founded the northern Cliffords.  About a third of all the "Gateways" are descended from Ethelred and Emma by this route.

Emma (the Conqueror's great-aunt) was the first Norman to wear an English crown, long before Hastings.

Wikipedia thinks Conrad lived way too long

Has Richardson explicitly abandoned his prior conviction the 2nd wife is a Courteney?
His NN widow was alive in 1290 to petition the king:

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