Further infomation on the family

+5 votes
Are there any censuses for Holland, or other ways of finding more information on a Dutch family?  I have had a query from someone with the surname Korpershoek descended from an emigrant to South Africa and she is anxious to know more.  I'd be grateful for any help!
WikiTree profile: Willem Korpershoek
in Genealogy Help by Christine Searle G2G6 Mach 4 (43.0k points)
retagged by Christine Searle

This article, from the FamilySearch Wiki, addressed Netherlands censuses. There are some links that may be useful. https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Netherlands_Census

Thank you George.  That's really useful, the sort of thing I'm looking for.

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer

I wonder if there is a connection?

Name: Martinus Johannes Korpershoek
Gender: (Male)
Birth Date: 10 mrt 1843 (10 Mar 1843)
Birth Place: Rotterdam
Death Date: 9 nov 1918
Death Place: Rotterdam
Death Age: 75
Father: Johannes Adrianus Korpershoek
Mother: Maria Van Zon
Spouse: Catharina Elizabeth Van Der Heijden
Children: Willem Korpershoek

Source Information

Ancestry.com. Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-2015 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.

by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Name: Willem Korpershoek
Gender: Mannelijk (Male)
Age: 25
Birth Date: abt 1845
Marriage Date: 9 nov 1870
Marriage Place: Rotterdam
Father: Johannes Adrianus Korpershoek
Mother: Maria van Zon
Spouse: Adriana Maria van der Heijden

Source Citation

BS Marriage

Source Information

Ancestry.com. Netherlands, Civil Marriage Index, 1795-1950 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2016.

Name: Willem Korpershoek
Gender: Male
Spouse: Adriana Maria Van Der Heijden
Child: Cornelis Hendrik Korpershoek

Source Information

Ancestry.com. Netherlands, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1910 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.

Name: Willem Korpershoek
Gender: Male
Spouse: Adriana Maria Van Der Heijden
Child: Maria Korpershoek

Source Information

Ancestry.com. Netherlands, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1910 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2014.

Thank you!  There must be a connection as I have someone with the same name born 1880.  I shall work on that one.


I really appreciate you supplying these citations, but please note that citing ancestry sources behind a paywall is never needed: all Dutch archives offer free access to their collections, on a countrywide level combined on sites like WieWasWie and openarchives.

I will check the profiles involved and replace the non-free sources by the free ones.

Someone kindly went a couple of generations further back on the family a few years ago and used WieWasWie citations which are now dead., which is why I have been using Ancestry.com today.  The dead links still remain - I shall try to find others in the next few days.

My sincere apologies! I let my frustration on seeing free souces replaced by non-free ones get the better of me. Should have checked the validity of those free sources. Assumed validity, knowing the fellow member of the Netherlands project who created those profiles as a thorough genealogist. But now I remember WieWasWie reorganizing their URLs some years ago. Currently they have permalinks. I think it is the responsibility of the Netherlands project to repair those WieWasWie links, so I will do that!
+6 votes

This personal tree has a Willem Korpershoek married to Daphne Ann TILLIDUFF (Living Tilliduff?). There is a notice in Dutch newspapers September 1954 for the birth of Diana, daughter of Korpershoek-Tilliduff at Muizenberg, Cape, South Africa. 

The personal tree has Willem's parents as Willem Korpershoek and Johanna Groen. As birth records are only public after 100 years in the Netherlands, one can only speculate that the son born to J Korpershoek-Groen, April 1930 was Willem. There also was a newspaper death notice of Johanna, who died April 21, 1930, and was cremated at the Driehuis-Westerveld cemetery on Thursday April 24.

by Living Terink G2G6 Pilot (306k points)
Yes, thank you - I did look at WieWasWie but found the Dutch challenging!  It's the Tilliduff connection which links me to the Korperhoeks.  Willem born 1930 was baptised in South Africa and his baptism there gives his parents names, for which I'm grateful.

I also found a population register record (Rotterdam) showing Willem was born April 9, 1930 in Rotterdam. Willem (1880) was married three times, First marriage ended by divorce April 1929, just before his marriage to Johanna Groen.

Press "Go to source" on the WieWasWie page to see the image of the record.

Marriages (and private son) were attached to the wrong Willem Korpershoek (1901). Should be attached to the 1880 Willem (profile to be created yet).

Profile of 1880 Willem created, Johanna connected.

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