it's possible a massive change of links?

+5 votes


recently the site, changed the description of archives of Florence state archive (Archivio di stato di Firenze) , adding the years in the title , e.g.


The years are now in the link, so an old link like 

report an error since is now 

I have  a lot (i think over 1000) link on my tree, and I hope I can modify all the links, without to enter in all of my 6500 profiles.

Any suggestions ?


in WikiTree Help by Enrico Davini G2G5 (5.3k points)
edited by Steven Harris

4 Answers

+7 votes

If the links are very consistent, you could try asking the maintainer of EditBot.

On your URL: is there no https?

Is there no real permalink/URI? Now it also encodes for a viewer it seems.I can't see it mentioned on the page, but you might have more information?

by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (340k points)
+5 votes


On your URL: is there no https?---NO, it is always just http:


I feel for you my friend! This is a classic situation where adding links only and not making a hard copy of the image comes back to haunt us! I'll have to spend some time backtracking through all the profiles that I've made with links to the Antenati site and make sure they still work....the current work I've been doing (like the link above in Giffoni Valle Piana and in Mascioni) all seem to be fine...... 

by Nick Andreola G2G6 Mach 9 (95.2k points)
Keep an eye on those links though. Often sites change one package of links at a time. Maybe your towns only get theri changed links later on.

Agreed! I just checked a profile edited back in 2019 from this post  and the link is holding true there....

+6 votes
EditBOT could possibly help, unless there is no very clear way to determine which links should get the "+1816-1860/" or "+1861+1865/" versions.

I am adding tags to assist and get the attention of Aleš.
by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (795k points)
+3 votes
Coming back to this question. Antenati completely changed their website in autumn 2021 and just lately they finally fixed their permalinks. The old permalinks of a certain page (record) now re-direct to the new permalink of this exact page.

Old url:
New url:
Source: Archivio di Stato di Campobasso, Stato civile italiano, Larino, Nati, volume 1877, numero 56, digital page 28

The Italy project is already aware that there are several thousand profiles with old url to Antenati on WikiTree.
Interesting is, that only few of the profiles on my watchlist send a database error of not-working url. Most of them don't have this error, so we couldn't find them easily on WikiTree+.

Is there any way, EditBot could update all those profiles to the new permalink?

Could anyone please add the Italy tag to the first posting? Thank you!

Here is another thread to the same topic:
by I. Caruso G2G6 Pilot (107k points)

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