May we please have: This person is a Wonderful WikiTree Project Leader? [closed]

+8 votes
much the same as a "Wonderful WikiTreer," that populates over to the leaders profile page?

These are individuals in a group of educated, experienced, wise, talented people, who contribute far beyond (way more than) 'just Wikitree-ing.'
closed with the note: Thank you Steve and Laura!
in Appreciation by Living Britain G2G6 Mach 3 (30.0k points)
closed by Living Britain

B, it sounds like you would be a good fit for the Appreciation Team. (I am one of the Project Leaders). We're always looking for new ways to regularly appreciate WikiTree members (which does include Project Leaders). 

Thank you so much, Emma.  When I finish sourcing the profiles under the surnames to which I might be related, then I will remember your invitation.

With growing fondness,


1 Answer

+13 votes
Best answer

I guess my first question would be, do we need a distinction for Project Leaders or any other role based position? Actions performed by Project Leaders are not always in the capacity of said role (such as sourcing profiles, answering G2G questions, etc.).

Other questions I can think of quickly:

  • What would be the difference in the current Wonderful WikiTreer function?
  • Would this function be limited to just Project Leaders?
  • Would we also need to add Wonderful WikiTree Project Coordinator?
    • Wonderful WikiTree Team Leader?
    • Wonderful WikiTree Team Captain? 
    • Wonderful WikiTree Ranger? 
    • Wonderful WikiTree Greeter?
    • Wonderful WikiTree Mediator? 
    • Wonderful WikiTree Mentor?
    • Wonderful WikiTree Team member?

On another note, I don't the Team is thanked enough, so I'll insert a shameless plug here: Thank you Team - for all you do!

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (795k points)
selected by Living Britain
Thank you.  Yes, understood.  I added a sentence to the original post.  With some exploration, this is close to what I had in mind:  "Wonderful Wikitreer and Project Leader."

Where do I click to get to the place to add A Wonderful WikiTreer, to someone's profile page?
I agree with Steve. It takes all the members that volunteer their time in these positions to keep things going on WikiTree. The Team, yes they too often are forgotten. They are the backbone of WikiTree.

To answer your question B, When you are typing in your information to post there is a small chain link. Click it then you will have to add their profile URL in the bottom box and their name in the top box. That will link it to their profile.
In addition to Laura's comment, the Wonderful WikiTreer function can be accessed through the "Thank You" link on contributions. When you click a thank you link, you will go to a new page that has a large Wonderful WikiTreer button that is automatically formatted to create a new G2G Post that is tagged and ready for your comments.

See this page for an exmaple:
OH.  That's excellent Steve!  Now say I saw something in a G2G post that a Project Leader (or Captain, Ranger, Greeter, Mediator, Mentor, Team Member) put together and want to send a Thank You (out of the Blue).  How would I do that?

Edit to add: CEO, or anyone else

Using Laura's comment:

  1. Create a new G2G Post;
  2. Select Category: Appreciation;
  3. Type your message or thanks/appreciation in the text box; and
  4. Put a member's ID in the "WikiTree ID/URL if this relates to a person or free-space profile" field.
  5. Add the tag: wonderful_wikitreers

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