What is #REPO6 Ancestral File?

+2 votes

I have found the following citation on a Wikitree profile, and I am trying to figure out what exactly it refers to. I googled it, but mostly what I found was just other similar citations on other Wikitree profiles or profiles on other genealogy websites.

Could anyone help me understand where (if anywhere) I can find this information and whether there are reliable sources underlying it?

Source S32

Repository: #REPO6

Type: Ancestral File

Title: Ancestral File (TM)

Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Abbreviation: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Publication: June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998

Abbreviation: Church Resources - Ancestral File (TM)

Master Listing Source: Y

WikiTree profile: William Morrison
in Genealogy Help by Caleb Day G2G5 (5.4k points)
In the information you cited, it is actually Source S32 that refers to the Ancestral File.  The Repo6 is the repository 'where the information was found', namely ancestry.com. That would normally be on multiple sources that came in for that profile from a Gedcom. There could be multiple Source #, but the would have have the same Repo ID.
Oh, that makes sense. Thanks a lot, Linda!

1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer

Ancestral File is a collection of family trees on FamilySearch submitted by users. The specific entry for William Morrison is at https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/2:1:MCC5-4G6. As far as I can see there are no sources attached.

by Paul Masini G2G6 Pilot (442k points)
selected by Caleb Day
Thanks very much Paul!

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