WikiTree Surpasses 750,000 Genealogists

+26 votes

Our tree includes 24,969,268 profiles (7,367,149 with DNA test connections) edited by 750,016 genealogists from around the world.

Edited:  20,779,370 people are connected to each other on our global family tree.

Edited:  166,811 members have the Honor Code Signatory badge (thru Cooper-29048).

in The Tree House by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.2m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
Time to shut it down. I can't afford that many Christmas presents. :)

I love having 750k cousins.

Anybody for secret Santa instead?
That's an incredible number.

4 Answers

+17 votes
The fact that we have over 750,000 members is amazing. Soon we will have over 25,000,000 profiles.
by A. Creighton G2G6 Pilot (948k points)
+17 votes

Do you / "we" have a way of telling how many of those holding Honor Code Signatory badges have participated in some way on WT during, say, the last 12 months? i.e. an edit to a profile or creation of one; thanking someone else for an edit/creation; participating in some way on G2G with a post/answer/comment or up/down vote on something?

by Susan Keil G2G6 Mach 7 (70.4k points)

Interesting question.  As it happens, I just came across this G2G post, now three years old, in which Chris Whitten said, in a comment:

"Over 50,000 people see WikiTree pages every day. Only a couple thousand are logged-in and contributing."

Now if I could just figure out how to do the math!

if you take 50k and 2k linearly, you have 750k registered and 30k active users.
Sorry to be dense, but could you explain a bit further?
Maths: rule of proportion or rule of three. Don't know how you call it.

If 50k is x then 750k is 15 times x. Then 2k is y and 15 times y is 30k.
Right.  I see what you mean now.  I should have noted that the 50,000 number Chris referred to was non-members who viewed WikiTree.
+14 votes

Our tree includes 24,970,261 profiles (7,397,210 with DNA test connections) edited by 749,238 genealogists from around the world. - 14:53 UTC time.

We lost over 700 genealogists since yesterday.

What’s going on with WikiTree numbers?

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.2m points)
I wonder if the bugs tag would also be appropriate.  I've noticed the daily fluctuation before, and wonder if it is just an artifact of the way the software processes information.

Edit to correct typo (omitted word).
I think it would be helpful to know which genealogists the 750,000 figure represents.  At WikiTree, we care about accuracy.
The 750,000 figure is probably the total number of user accounts, ie. everyone who has ever created a login at WikiTree. The overwhelming majority of that number haven't entered more than a handful of profiles each.

The total numer of profiles over the total number of contributors is now about 33.29. This proportion has been remarkably stable over time.
On the first of the month some cleanup is done. People close and delete their accounts all the time, so sometimes the number of accounts goes down.
Thank you.
+7 votes
Wow! This is great!!! What an accomplishment for WikiTree! :)
by Greta Moody G2G6 Pilot (206k points)

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