Could I have some help interpreting a Swedish household book entry?

+5 votes

I have been researching a Swedish family living in Illinois, and I had a bit of a breakthrough today when I found the man's first wife in a Swedish household book, but I'm puzzled about her last name -- see line 17 below (or here for a full-size image):

Her father's name appears to be Carl Johann Olafsson Quist (or Qvist, as it was transcribed). Her mother's name appears to be Clara Charlotta Bruzell.

I don't understand why their daughter, Hilda (the 2nd wife mentioned above) would be listed with what appears to be the last name of "Lindbom." 

After moving to America, she is listed with both the last names of "Quist" and "Lindbom/Linbloom" on separate records for her son, Edward. 

Which of those surnames should be used as her Last Name at Birth? And where would "Lindbom" have come from??


WikiTree profile: Hilda Swanson
in Genealogy Help by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (511k points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
The key is in the small print: the two Lindblom girls are "hustruns barn i föregående gifte" = children from the previous marriage of the wife. Then the other two are "deras gemensamma barn" = theirs in common.
by Eva Ekeblad G2G6 Pilot (601k points)
selected by Julie Ricketts
Thank you, Eva! I was hoping you'd stop by! :-)

I got the "easy" words on the listing, but couldn't make out the writing for the unfamiliar "föregående" or "gemensamma."

I'm glad I haven't entered her parents yet, then.

Eva ... sorry to bother you again. Is "Bruzell" Hilda's mother's flicknamn? 

(hoping Google translate said that right. wink )

Good morning, Julie :-)

Yes, Bruzell would be Hilda's mother's flicknamn = LNAB.

The distribution of names in the excerpted pic is very typical for this time: husband with HIS surname, Qvist, wife with HER surname, Bruzell, two Lindblom kids with the surname inherited from their father - this surname written out to make it clear they were stepchildren of Qvist - two Qvist children without explicit surname - as was the general custom for children still living with their father.

Did you notice she was a barnmorska?

Looks like they (the vicar) spelled  Brusell with an s whe Clara was a kid.

Thank you, again, Eva! I *did* see the word "barnmorska" -- knew "barn," and I know "mor," but I have a hard time reading the handwriting. 

So, now I have a new word: barnmorska is "midwife!" :-)

I found in the household books where Hilda went to N. America in 1882, and she married about 2 months after she arrived. They had a child in 1885, and then I lost her and her son for the 1900 census. Her son shows up again in 1906 when he marries, but it's odd that at the age of 15, he is not listed with his father and his father's new wife.

+4 votes

Lindblom profile on Forebears might give you idea about areal of geographic distribution.

by Andriy Tymchenko G2G Crew (520 points)
Thank you, Andriy!
Her father was Anders Peter Lindbom born 13 Jan 1836 in Tidersrum. I went ahead and created a profile for him.  He was a glass master. Hilda was born Lindbom not Lindblom (like me). I added a birth record to her profile.

Thank you, Richard!! 

Her name in America has been spelled a variety of ways. ;-) It's good to see it written the way it's supposed to be.

I added a little more information to the citations on his profile and Hilda's.

By the way, I took a peek at our Swedish connections, and you are one of the few people I've found where I'm connected through my grandmother's biological mother! I'm sure there are others, but almost everyone connects more quickly through my paternal side.

Nice to meet you. :-)

Looks like Barbro Mårtensdotter (my 8th great aunt) is our common ancestor. Barbro is related to you by marriage, not blood. She is a distant aunt of my great grandfather Johan Ersson Lindblom, the first ancestor in my line to use the Lindblom surname. No blood connection to you that I see. No connection between the Lindbloms and Lindboms. They are from the same area so who knows, there could be a connection.
It's a small world. :-)

Hilda lived in the same county where I live, and I've been adding information for the cemetery where her husband is buried -- I lost her after her son Edward was born, though. I don't know if she died before the 1900 Census, or if she and Frederick separated.

Unfortunately, I have to move on and work on other things today. :-)

It's fun finding a connection like this, though! Thanks again for your help, Richard!
I did find a Tilda Swanson in the 1900 census in Chicago. She was older than your Hilda according to the census record. Says she was a widow. She had several children including an Edward born 1885.
Oh ... interesting ... I'll go look for that one!

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