New member introducing myself

+11 votes

I have been working on genealogy off and on since I was a teenager helping my father search paper records in the NC and SC archives. I am returning after a hiatus of about 15 years (career, life, etc.), and have found a totally different landscape than when I last did any online work. I used to hang out and meet, and collaborate with lots of great people on the genweb boards which are now archived in the depths of Ancestry's website. I have been looking around for a few months and have been hesitant to create a presence or put any information on any of the online trees because I am totally appalled by the  errors I see in so many of them.

So, I thought I'd hang out here for a while and see if this could become my new genealogy home on the web.

Looking forward to meeting some other serious researchers.

WikiTree profile: Cynthia Dansby
in The Tree House by Cynthia Dansby G2G Crew (460 points)

5 Answers

+8 votes

Nice to meet you Cynthia. 

I arrived at Wikitree in a very similar manner at the start of June.

I am enjoying the collaboration and the focus on evidence to support connections and claims. 

I also was quite disenchanted with some of the other online family history storage sites. 

I hope you find what you are looking for. smiley

by Rosalie Neve G2G6 Pilot (181k points)
Me too, I hate the way some managers over on Ancestry and My heritage have butchered the profiles of some of my relatives.
+7 votes
There are 92 with the Dansby surname at WikiTree. You can find them by going to the Find menu at the top right of the page. Click on Surnames and spell out the surname you want to access.

Don't be reluctant to ask questions.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
+7 votes

Welcome to WikiTree, Cynthia! Like you and Rosalie, I came to WikiTree for the same reasons. What I have found here is exactly what I was looking for.

Nowhere is perfect but we all work together to try to create an accurate and verifiable family tree. We care about what we do and we help each other. This is a great community, I hope that you will feel the same way. smiley

by Laura DeSpain G2G6 Pilot (441k points)
+6 votes
Cynthia: Welcome. I hope that you chose WikiTree for your new genealogy home on the web. Two advantages to posting on WikiTree are the Honor Code and the very helpful people who answer questions, give support, offer suggestions, discuss how to make things better, and make the rest of us better researchers.
by A. Creighton G2G6 Pilot (949k points)
+4 votes
Hey Cynthia,

It will be very easy to meet serious researchers here. A lot of us are very serious on sourcing and proving connections. And the real good thing about WikiTree is the one person-one profile approach. So no duplications of work, no copy over of wrong connection, but instead we all contribute to a better tree.

Looking forward to your contributions. WikiTree works different than others, but giving it some time is really worth it!
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (340k points)

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