Converting Ancestry Record URLs to {{Ancestry||}} format

+8 votes
in WikiTree Help by Bill Feidt G2G6 Mach 5 (53.2k points)

Since both of those records have images associated with them, you also may want to consider creating a publicly accessible shared image link for each to include in your source citations (the links above are only viewable by Ancestry subscribers).

And if you do, you can use the recently created {{Ancestry Sharing|1234|5678}} template in lieu of the shared image URL.
Best answer, Rick!

May I resurrect this question since more and more (if now possibly most) of the database record native URLs are being converted to the new "discoveryui-content" type structure?

From what I can tell, the database ID seems to remain consistent but the record identifier has changed for the new URL structure. For example, this template was entered last year into a WikiTree profile: {{Ancestry Record|6742|6780009}}.

That active link still works, at least for now, and lands you at

The previous URL structure native at Ancestry was "" The new format for the same record is ""

I have no clue whether or not things are stable at Ancestry, but experimentation using the existing template with what looks to be the new record ID seems to work. In other words, {{Ancestry Record|6742|10766243}} takes me to the same Ancestry record as did {{Ancestry Record|6742|6780009}}.

If that's the case, life is actually simplified long as Ancestry doesn't retire that old record identifier since it appears nowhere in the new native URL. However, the template information page at still shows only instructions on using the old &dbid= &h= URL structure. Should that page be updated so that folks can understand how to use the new Ancestry URL structure...assuming we think the template will continue to function with just that one change to the record identifier?

Hi Edison,

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your comment, but within the Ancestry 6742 database, the record identifiers of 6780009 and 10766243 are 2 distinct records for 2 different individuals in the same 1880 census record household.

{{Ancestry Record|6742|6780009}} takes you to, the record for James Frazer.

{{Ancestry Record|6742|10766243}} takes you to, the record for his father John Frazer.

I agree that the template page should be updated to include the new Ancestry URL structure.

Oops. Got me. I was paying attention only to the census page being shown, not the individual's name being displayed.

So hopefully that means the record identifiers haven't changed and aren't in jeopardy of possibly being retired. Woo hoo!

Okay; so. Forget everything above. <cough> Let's just go with Rick's concise statement: "The template page should be updated to include the new Ancestry URL structure."

1 Answer

+8 votes
Best answer

Hi Bill,

I believe that some of the Ancestry URL formats may have have changed recently, but I believe the info is still there. 1171 is the collection/database. Try this format:

{{Ancestry Record|1171|505403528}}

{{Ancestry Record|1171|5409867}}

Edited to fix typo

by Rick Peterson G2G6 Pilot (195k points)
selected by Bill Feidt
The frequent ancestry link changes is why we created the templates in the first place. I'll have to add an example of this new style of link to the help page.
Thanks, Rick and Jamie.  It's people like you that make working here such a pleasure.
Added the Ancestry shared image for each marriage record.  Used the old method before seeing your second comment, Rick, but will definitely keep the {{Ancestry sharing||}} technique in mind.  That's a real time saver.  Thanks!
Jamie, that would be great, thanks! I've created links using square brackets and the entire URL, but the template is so much neater in edit.
LOVE the shared template. Does it work universally?

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