I just checked my connections to the profiles of this week.
And I just like to share my joy with all of you.
WT shows us we are getting there! As I started here I had no connections to the "Big Tree".
I just like to thank everyone for adding profiles with reliable sources. Results showing me because of all profiles that are added!
I am connected to them all!
David Niven: 23 degrees!!
Christopher Lee: 26 degrees
John Carradine: 27
Lon Chaney: 28
Rutger Hauer: 29
Bela Lugosis: 29
Leslie Nielsen: 32
Gloria Holden: 33
Oh my!
Just the wonder I am connected to them all is such a miracle.
And looking at the profiles (and their managers) in between that were added by so many managers, all family, I never knew or met, makes me just thankful for being a part of WT and thankful for all that worked so hard.
I love WT.
Thank you for having me.