Merge help and advice please? [closed]

+1 vote
Florence Neve (McDonald-20089) is the same person as Unlisted (McDonald-7365) which is coming up as a living person when she actually died in 1975.

She is listed as a living parent of children born over 100 years ago.

I attempted to initiate a merge sometime ago but am still waiting for a response. The PM made 49 contributions in 2015 and nothing since. I have tried to contact by personal message etc.

Is there a way to "kill off" the Unlisted McDonald and merge the 2 profiles so Charles Boyd is only married to 1 Florence (McDonald) Neve?

Any advice greatly appreciated.
WikiTree profile: Charles Boyd
closed with the note: I have received advice I am following
in Genealogy Help by Rosalie Neve G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
closed by Rosalie Neve
As I understand it, it is not possible to know anything about an Unlisted person (other than his/her LNAB that is part of the person's WikiTree ID) unless you are on that person's trusted list, therefore I have to ask how you know McDonald-20089 is the same person.
I co-manage Charles profile since he was dead and that was a merge I could do after the waiting time.

To me there are 2 wives with the same name visible and listed an Charles profile page.

One profile when you click on it says it is living and provides no information.

However in the list of changes to Charles profile - when the living McDonald was added as his wife - if you hold the curser on that name it gives an ID of McDonald-7365.

I know they are the same person because they are both his wife Florence McDonald Neve

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Rosalie Neve
Do you use that form Marion even when the profile "appears to be" a living person?
In this case yes, she would be one amazing person to still be alive!
Thanks for the advice Marion. I have started the process of posting comments and messages etc.

I have messaged etc about the extra Florence before with no result.

I am approaching the merge this time as a merge of mothers of the children so I can access an unresponsive PM form when and if I get no further response over the required wait time.

I have information and sources to add to the children's currently unsourced profiles.

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