Challenge of the week: Correct simple errors in reference tags

+8 votes

Hi WikiTreers,

Will you join our "Data Doctors" Challenge of the week?

This is an easy one to participate in, once you know how reference tags work, i.e.:

  1. A footnote needs to start with <ref> and end with </ref>.
  2. There needs to be a <references /> tag directly below the == Sources == headline for the footnotes to display.

Using these tags is naturally confusing for Newts. It's very frustrating for new members when a tag is missing or misplaced and they can't figure out why footnotes aren't appearing.

Once again, Aleš has come up with something incredibly helpful. He's prepared a report of profiles from around the tree where a reference tag appears to be misplaced. Click here for the list.

Can you help fix them?

The member with the most points at 11:59pm EDT on Sunday night will get the Winner badge this week and the bragging rights. But we'll all benefit from a neater, cleaner shared tree.

If you're participating, please post here to let us know. It's nice to cheer each other on. Or post if you have any questions about how to participate.

Thanks for helping!

Real-time tracking results: See your stats 
alongside other participants here.

Top 10

in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Langholf
Challenge is active.
Suggestion 871 - all have been corrected

8 Answers

+6 votes
I'll have a go at some of these
by Anon Sharkey G2G6 Pilot (147k points)
+5 votes
I'll try to do a few. Thanks
by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
+6 votes
I'll work on these!
by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (499k points)
+4 votes
I'll give it a try!
by Denise Petersen G2G6 Mach 1 (11.5k points)
+4 votes
I'll be happy to participate. :)
by Marie Wallner G2G6 Mach 1 (16.4k points)
+4 votes
I'll work on some.  This will help me improve my own reference skills.
by Amanda Sherwin G2G5 (5.6k points)
+3 votes
I'm giving it a go too :) while I continue to do the same for the profiles that I manage.
by E Paulo G2G6 Mach 1 (13.6k points)
+3 votes
I will do some.
by Barbara Regan G2G5 (5.9k points)
This is my first time doing this.  I did several but I am not sure I am doing it correctly.  When I make the fix and then change the status I want to say that it is corrected.  Why does the choice for Status "Corrected" have a caveat "hide until next recheck?"  Shouldn't it show up immediately that it is corrected so that someone else doesn't waste time on it?

Hi, Barbara,

Ales updates the suggestions reports, which includes work done for the week on Mondays the following week.

The WikiTreePlus database, which is Ales' work, is a separate database from WikiTree, so the results do not show up until the following update.

The tracker associated with the Challenge shows your progress in real-time, but not for the particular changes made.

Please ensure that you understand the changes needed and don't make any you don't know how to correct them.

There are videos available for suggestions, so being new, please take a look at the Reference tag videos to give you the best info before you start.  You can find them here: 

Reference Tags Suggestion Group Videos

Thank you!

You are welcome.  I responded to your question about John Lawrence's profile.  If you look at the "INFO" column for the suggestion on the Suggestion List, it gives you a clue of what is wrong.

Check this video and page for info on them that will help you work on the various pages:

Video:Suggestion Reports and Comments

Suggestion Reports and Status Page

Email me if you have any problems.

Stay safe.

Yes, I understand the INFO column is where I find out what is wrong for the particular data challenge.  It was obvious how to fix the <ref> tag on John Lawrence's profile and I did make that fix.  My question on G2G was a separate issue because I am curious about other profiles I see on WikiTree that don't have sources and I want to make sure I understand what is considered {{Unsourced}} for profiles.

Unsourced don't have any sources; incorrectly formatted sources, or unlinked/broken links in sources.  I understood your question.

I will email you about an issue.

You are doing good work on this; go slow and easy - leave the Norway profiles. smiley

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