The Greeter Project member news:
These members of the Greatest Gang joined WikiTree:
These members became part of the Greatest Gang:
➹ These changes happened in the last month with the Greatest Gang:
“Learn Something New Every Day”
Wildcards work in the name search fields on WikiTree. A ? is a wildcard that substitutes for a single letter and a * substitutes for multiple letters. (Thank you Ellen Smith!)
Some use examples for wildcards:
To search for Elisabeth or Elizabeth, enter Eli?abeth
To search for Elizabeth or Eliza, enter Eliza*
To search for any name that starts Mar, enter Mar*
To search for Margaret, Margriet, Margot, or Margit, enter Marg*t
Lots of statistics are being followed regarding the Greeter Project and here are the October stats.
2 Week Team left 2,282 messages
Pre-1700 Team left 298 messages
Honor Code Team reviewed 2,380 profiles and left 333 messages
Merge Feed Team left 22 messages
GEDCOM Team reviewed 756 profiles and left 476 messages
DNA Team reviewed 2,977 profiles and left 1,009 messages
Greeters welcome new Guests and Members while we simultaneously protect our members from spammers. We also answer questions from our guests and new members and make sure they get the help they need to have a successful start on Wikitree.
A Greeter is ...
...a full member, at least 18 years old, who joined WikiTree more than one month ago.
...a Wiki Genealogist who has signed the Honor Code and has made over 100 non-GEDCOM contributions.
...a special volunteer who is able to communicate with guests and new members in a friendly, helpful manner. to edit a profile, post messages, and use email.
...someone who has a good understanding of WikiTree principles and procedures or knows where to find the answers.
If you’re interested in being a Greeter, please visit the join thread at
Oh wow, 3 years as a member of the greatest gang and still having fun in the feeds
Thanks to one and all for your support
Happy anniversary, a few days early! Thank you for all that you do