Hello Medieval researchers, and Scotland experts
Can somebody who knows the Mackintosh clan take a look at this profile, and confirm or deny a) there's at least *one* iota of credible evidence supporting this person ever existed historically, and b) WikiTree is placing her correctly.
It's suspicious that her mother is quite old at birth, and on tertiary online sources (which I don't rate as credible) the dates and places jump round... I worry we're seeing a malingering digital garble or e-imposture, but need contemporary primary source research materials and/or ideally clan(s) expertise(s) to properly dig into this.
Thanks in advance
Just for fun, if this is credible genealogy then this line descends from (among many others) the Wyntouns (de Winton) of Seton, eg
On 3 Nov 2020 Isaac Taylor wrote on McIntosh-79:
Scottish/Medieval experts, please reivew this family group and their pedigree. It connects too many living Americans (and online amateur genealogists) to euroaristo pedigrees to go so under-sourced and under-researched. I'm not saying this profile is fake, or the relationships currently connected are bogus. But neither do any of our sources or biography details here support our claims.