how do you add a country flag if the person has ancesters from another country?

+3 votes
how do you add a country flag if the person has ancesters from another country?
in Genealogy Help by Frederik Willem Johannes Britz G2G2 (3.0k points)

Do you mean that the person was born in country a, but their parents were from country b?  (Example - person is born in Queensland, Australia, but their parents had migrated from Ireland and Sweden.)

For those not born in Ireland, but whose parents/grandparents were, you would use {{Irish Clans}}.  For some others ---

{{Belgian Roots}} {{Wales Roots}} {{Scottish Ancestor Sticker}} {{English Ancestor Sticker}}  {{Swedish Roots}}

These all go below the Biography header.

(I don't seem to have the "roots" stickers page on my favourites, so will have to hunt it down.)


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