Comments on António (Vieyra) Vieira

+1 vote

On NaN undefined NaN Eneida Paulo wrote on Vieyra-3:

There should be consistency in the adoption of names and surnames. I am a devotee of adopting the modern orthography. Last name should be Vieira. Forget the old "Vieyra" orthography.

WikiTree profile: António Vieira
in Genealogy Help by E Paulo G2G6 Mach 1 (13.7k points)

Wikipedia has a long article on Portuguese names, which states, in part:

Names of deceased historical figures must be spelled following the current orthographic rules: Luís de Camões (not Luiz de Camoens), Venceslau Brás (not Wenceslau Braz), Euclides da Cunha (not Euclydes da Cunha), Tomás Antônio Gonzaga (not Thomaz Antonio Gonzaga) etc.

I agree.  I've come across many instances where names are spelled differently in vital records within the same time period.  For instance, Queirós sometimes spelled Queiroz, sometime Queirós.  In a current family from the early 1700's I'm working on, Corrales, I've seen it spelled Currales, Corales, Corrales, Curralles, etc in different records within the same time period.  I suppose it was what the priest felt how it should be spelled LOL.  I feel that for consistency and to avoid duplicates it's probably best to adopt modern orthography.

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