I'm only interested in family members born in the UK so how do I filter out all other countries in my feed?

+4 votes
in WikiTree Help by P Horton G2G Rookie (250 points)
I know the feeling. My ancestors are all UK as far back as records seem to go. I have some very common names such as Robertson and Smith on my tree and the Wikifeeds, tag lists etc. for these are completely unmanageable without being able to filter them for something like a location. Even a continental level would help, but a high proportion of listings do not seem to have any locations added. I presume the vast majority are in North America and I just don't need to know about them unless I am looking at more distant relatives who emigrated, but that isn't really the focus of my tree.

1 Answer

+4 votes
I you are using the search function, you can enter the country under Advanced Options for birth and death locations. If you mean can you filter the feed generated by your tags, I am not aware of a filter function available at this time (although it has been requested by many).
by T Stanton G2G6 Pilot (523k points)

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