I really don't understand what 's wrong in my texts.

+4 votes
I really don't understand what 's wrong in my texts. Do I have Misplaced Lines???  59 style issues??  Biography Heading?  Sources Heading? Please help me to see what is wrong.
in Policy and Style by Kees Rosier G2G3 (3.4k points)
Hey Kees,

Do you have an example profile with the error/suggeston number?

Kees, wij kunnen jouw suggestie lijst niet zien. Als je een voorbeeld profiel noemt en bij voorkeur het nummer van de suggestie, dan kunnen we meekijken.
The suggestion list without private profiles on WikiTree+ https://wikitree.sdms.si/default.htm?report=err2&WikiTreeID=Rosier-507&

It has a wide array of suggestions. Most have an explanation. Which ones are you having trouble with?

Profile Name Sourced? Empty Misplaced Lines Missing end Biography Heading Sources Heading references tag Acknowledgements
Arnaud-218 Anna Elisabeth Arnaud Sourced 6 Missing Missing
Breedeveld-3 Franciscus Jacobus Breedeveld Sourced 3 Missing Missing
Breedevelt-1 Maria Rosier Sourced 3 Missing Missing
De Hoog-78 Klasina de Hoog Sourced 3 Missing Missing
De Klerk-1029 Elizabeth Cornelia Rosier Sourced 7 Missing Missing
De Klerk-1030 Cornelis de Klerk Sourced 43 Missing Missing

etc., a long list

3 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
The list you show is from the biography check app. See https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1132188/bio-check-app

Main issue with that one is that is checking for the English headers, which you do not have. So it says 'missing' and cannot calculate the level of sourcing.

The list to look at is the suggestions from your menu. That is a long list as well, some with more serious suggestions.


Kees, ik zou die app gewoon negeren. Hij is niet officieel. De suggestie lijst uit je menu is wel officieel en wordt gebruikt om data inconsistenties te bepalen. De missende tags, de straat naam na de plaats zonder land en de leeftijd checks zijn wel dingen om naar te kijken. De meeste zijn geen drama, maar zou je wel op mogen pakken. Ik heb een paar dingetjes gedaan, laat maar weten of ik specifiek ergens mee kan helpen.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (334k points)
selected by Kay Knight
Thanks Michel. You are correct, and Suggestions is a great place to work.
+3 votes
Hi Kees, could you please give an example? Remember we cannot see private profiles.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+2 votes
Misplaced lines is for any lines between ==Sources== and <references />, which are supposed to follow each other with no extra line spaces between.  Sources that you list go beneath the references tag, which catches all the inline citations.

On the ''Missing'' headers, I run into the same thing, anything other than ==Biography== (in English) isn't being recognized by this app yet, creator has been advised.
by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (718k points)
And, just like Biography, Sources may also not be recognized.

I would suggest just ignoring it for a bit...
Thank you for these concrete and specific answers!

Google and apps should now what a 'Biografie' is, I think  ;)

or Biographie.  laugh  multiple languages to choose from.

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