
+7 votes

My work on the Galicia Project has had a ripple effect where I felt the need to adopt the Ukraine Free Space Page and add information about border changes (with a brief history). 

My personal goal in this page was to help those researching their "Ukrainian/Ruthenian" ancestors to more accurately identify where their ancestor lived at which ever point in time (Russian Empire or Galicia, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, etc.) 

I'd like to invite any Wikitreers to make any edits, corrections or new contributions to the page directly (especially those who are from the country itself ... I know you are out there!)  There's much more to this region than what is on this page. 

If you are interested in helping to manage or take over the page, please let me know!  Thank you!!


WikiTree profile: Space:Ukraine
in Genealogy Help by Skye Sonczalla G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
edited by Skye Sonczalla

1 Answer

+3 votes
Hi Skye,
I am helping clean up 19th-Century German Location and Migration categories. I am sure that many emigrated to land in present day Ukraine.
For migration, I will ask a related question in G2G soon.

by Steve Thomas G2G6 Pilot (145k points)

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