A Newfoundland puzzle

+13 votes

I have been working, on and off, trying to identify, source, and connect the family of John Slade, who founded a trading company which was a big factor in opening up Newfoundland to settlement, rather than just being a seasonal fishing ground.

This week, Jim Slade, who runs the Slade Genealogy web site, let me know about some new additions to that site, including a branch starting with a John Slade who was born in Twillingate, Newfoundland in 1841. Now it just so happens that John Slade the company founder had a great-great nephew, also named John Slade, who managed the Slade company branch in -- you guessed it -- Twillingate at about the same time. So far, I have had a frustrating time finding sources, but I'm pretty sure there must be a connection there somewhere...

WikiTree profile: John Slade
in The Tree House by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (732k points)
PLEASE connect these, if you ever figure out how. It's an unsolved puzzle that's been driving me bonkers. I poke at the family occasionally, but haven't had any luck, so I have a bunch of these profiles just sitting in my "unconnected watchlist".

I know from a biography linked from the profile of Thomas Slade-1663 that we're missing a bunch of family. It refers to John's "4 nephews" (not just two). and it mentions a cousin for Thomas: George Nickleson Allen; and a nephew of Thomas; William Cox.

1 Answer

+4 votes

There are a couple of sources for the Slades of Newfoundland.  In addition to Twillingate, the Slades had a merchant house in Carbonear.  "By 1725, the Kemp family along with Fryer, Gosse & Pack, Pike, Green, and Slade; were trading out of Carbonear, Conception Bay. The six major firms at the time." Source:  http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~cannf/pw_lloyds1781-1790.htm  Birth marriage and death records for NL before 1816 are few.  I use the Keith Matthews Name Files. Dr. Matthews compiled significant information on the merchants and others of NL  If you have not done so already I suggest you look into the Slade file https://mha.mun.ca/mha/holdings/keith/slade.php  Another source of early information is the Colonial Office Secretary Book which has all sorts of information on NL people. It can be a bit of a slog but worth going though it: Colonial Secretary's Letterbook:  http://www2.swgc.mun.ca/nfld_history/letterbook/

by Susan Squires G2G1 (1.7k points)

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