Do projects automatically assume management of profiles? [closed]

+6 votes
I just noticed that some of my profiles have been added to the Palatine Project - pretty cool, they are German immigrants.

However, I also see that they have new profile managers. Without me being asked or consenting, or adding to the trusted list. This action didn't show up in my feed. There was a comment left on the page (about the spelling of the name) or I wouldn't have known.

2 questions:

1) I didn't know we could go add ourselves as profile managers to profiles?

2) Am I now expected to remove myself as the profile manager, and let the new person and the project manage the profile?

WikiTree profile: Elizabeth Staley
closed with the note: Dave Rutherford answered with PM. very helpful!!!
in Policy and Style by Jana Diamond G2G6 Mach 1 (13.9k points)
closed by Jana Diamond
It's not unusual for a project to be added as a manager to a profile that falls under a certain category.  The only people who have the ability to do that are experienced project managers who have a particular interest in, and usually a huge amount of knowledge about, the people who fall into that category.  Generally they will also add their personal account to the trusted list too, probably because it's easier to keep up with notifications that way.  Keep in mind that someone born in 1716 probably has a huge number of descendants, so there may be a lot of people who are interested in seeing that the profile be as accurate as possible.

2 Answers

+4 votes

You might like to read this

by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
I could not find the answer to Jana's question on the page you referenced, Marion. Could you please post the relevant text?

Are profiles owned by the projects that manage them? 

No. We never refer to profiles being owned on WikiTree. All profiles are part of the same tree and governed by the rules and policies developed by the community.

It's understandable why management of a profile can sometimes look like ownership. Private profiles of modern people can be controlled very tightly by family members. That makes it look like the Profile Managers own them. On the other end of the spectrum, profiles of widely-shared ancestors and historically-significant people need to strictly adhere to agreed-upon styles and standards. Since projects are the forums where style rules are developed, discussed, and applied, management by project can look like ownership by the members who participate in the project. However, any member can participate in a project.

That text does not answer the question regarding projects assuming a profile's management automatically. Nor does it address the concern that projects assume profile management without consulting the profile's current manager.
+3 votes
Dave explained this to me. the project managers can add themselves to profiles over 200 years old; they become co-managers.  the system tracks them adding themselves, but not removing themselves; they add as part of the project, it is a multi-step process

fyi - DAVE is awesome!!!
by Jana Diamond G2G6 Mach 1 (13.9k points)

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