I am, and I'm watching this with interest -- and appreciation. The problems that led me to walk away from this a long time ago are not my immediate ancestry (though if anybody can find the parents of my rascal 2nd great grandfather George Cottrell, I will love you forever). It's things like my 5th great grandfather John Jones (Jones-24356) -- born in 1750 -- being given parents and siblings based on a cited source of the 1790 census. Um... not a possible source for those items. Really. Or a however-many great granduncle Josiah Baker (Baker-13241) being born in "Cherokee, Swain County, NC." First off, he was born in Burke County. Second, the family moved in the late 1830s to Cherokee COUNTY, not the town of Cherokee. Just so you'll know what kinds of issues I have with any one-world-tree.