Was the Provost of St Giles Church, Edinburgh...William or John Forbes.

+4 votes

Sir Alexander Forbes, 1st Lord Forbes, had two sons of his marriage, one of whom was Provost of St Giles Church in Edinburgh. However, at present, Alexander Forbes has the profiles of two sons who are both named as Provost on some sites and sources. Balfour names the Provost as William Forbes and Douglas names him as John Forbes. 

If there are no objections, I would like to merge both profiles into William, who is the lower number, and retain John as other nickname, with notes. John Forbes is this other profile. 

Also, just to confuse the issue, there is also another John Forbes of Terpersie, added as a son to Sir Alexander Forbes, 1st Lord, and whom I believe descends from the missing WikiTree profile of another brother to Sir Alexander Forbes, 1st Lord, and who was named Sir John Forbes, he who married Marjory Preston, please see the Scots Peerage link....


in Genealogy Help by David Urquhart G2G6 Pilot (170k points)
edited by David Urquhart

3 Answers

+4 votes

Registrum Cartarum Ecclesie Sancti Egidii de Edinburgh (Bannatyne Club) has William Forbes as Provost of St Giles - see the copy on the Internet Archive p xxxii

by Sheena Tait G2G6 Pilot (133k points)
Thank you for finding that document Sheena.
+2 votes
I understand that there is some doubt that John is actually a son of Alexander's. I have read in some places that he was actually a brother. As his existence is disputed, I think it is best to remove him unless evidence arises to prove he actually existed. Have put some sources into the comments of some of these people. Would appreciate it is you could move them up into the source section for those people you manage. Thanks.
by Penelope Shorne G2G1 (1.1k points)
Hi Penelope,

John of Terpersie's existence is not disputed, simply who he is connected to. I believe he is a grandson of the missing brother to the Lord Forbes, and named Sir John by Balfour Paul.

The other John, I believe was created twice, and named once correctly as William, and once as John.
+3 votes
An article in the Brechin Advertiser, 24 May 1881, entitled "Historical Sketch of St Giles' Cathedral by W Chambers LL.D.", states the first Provost of St Giles was William Forbes and this would appear to have been when St Giles was granted a Royal charter in 1466.
by Colin Thomson G2G2 (2.8k points)

Colin, Thank you so much for your assistance. I conducted a little search and found the book, with preface, by W. Chambers, in Archive.org

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