I'm not sure this is the right place for this question. I am descended from John Folsom and Mary Gillman (I can hear you groaning). So looking at the Folsom tree, it all looks pretty kosher until generation 4 I think is the real problem.
Keeping John Folsoms straight is a nightmare there are so many of them. I usually use the descendant list for about 4 or 5 generations, the descendants who have been to an association reunion do this too. So that said I am (John1-3, Josiah4, Samuel Bradley5).
So anyway what I've come across here is at least 2 Josiahs but maybe 3. Who are not the same person (so please don't merge them). One is John1-3, Josiah 4, the other is John 1, Peter2, John3, Josiah4, but their details have been mixed up. Folsom-1515 has the correct parents but no spouse(s) and only 1 of the 13 children (which isn't my ancestor). The other Josiah Folsom Folsom-1007 has 1515's spouse (one of them) and my ancestor as his child. The third Josiah is Folsom-390 not sure about him he maybe needs to be a merge I think he may be another Lt. Josiah because his wife is listed with Lt. Josiah's wife Martha Eastman. Somehow I have now adopted both 1515 and 1007's profiles, sigh I didn't mean to do that.
The Folsom Family Genealogy, 1938 by Elizabeth Knowles Folsom has a way people at the time kept the two Josiah's straight vol. I, pg. 141 listing of Lt. Josiah
He was called "Jr." to distinguish him from Josiah4, son of John3 (John2, John1) who was b. 27 July 1725, and was called "Josiah, Sen."
Later in life Jr. was called Lt. Josiah, my poor Josiah was only a private. Plus it looks like he got killed on his first maneuver in 1775, but he was an old dude at 50 so maybe too old for war.
What I need to know is how we fix this. I left a comment for the manager of Folsom 1007's linked father attempting to explain the problem. I didn't want to just unlink him, I need expert help on untangling this mess.
Also as a side note. I own the 4 vol. set of Folsom Genealogy. So that is where my information is coming from. It is sourced, unlike, what we call, the earlier "Chapman" genealogy. I don't think it's online anywhere but like I said I have all 4 of the books.
Thanks for listening, I hope I haven't confused anyone, my head is spinning from trying to keep it all straight.