Looking for some Help making tables

+3 votes
Working on a One Place Study Page and I'm using tables for the first time.  The way I have been doing it is I am using a spreadsheet and from there copying it into an html editor and then using that source text on the page but it makes it makes a lot of redundant and unnecessary code but even a bigger factor editing my listings for citizens and matching them with an individuals wikitree profile is really clumsy.  I'm sure I'm missing something and there must be an easier way.  

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

*Note tried to submit with the following wikitree space ID using the copy id or actually copying the url and it says it does not exist

in WikiTree Tech by Brian Nash G2G6 Mach 3 (35.6k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Two links which you may find helpful...

Tables - has a link to a table-maker which will create a table from your spreadsheet data

Mindy's Table Help - if you need to customize a table or build one from scratch.

by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (597k points)
selected by Jonathan Crawford

I also find this to be easy to use: https://www.tablesgenerator.com/mediawiki_tables

+3 votes

I've always gotten confused with creating tables from other websites, but I don't think I have tried any of the one mentioned above. That being said, I make mine manually and I make a lot of them. The ones currently on your page look like they were created using html rather than wiki formatting (excuse my ignorance of proper coding or internet or whatever language). Using one of your small tables as an example:

Population 819
Number of Houses 127
Number Families 136

A simpler coding would look like this (you can copy/paste it to your space to see if it good):

{| border="2" cellpadding="9"
|Number of Houses||127
|Number of Families||136
If you want some of the words in bold you just have to encase them in three apostrophes '''bold word'''
It is also easy to add a background color or make the table sortable without all that html.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (888k points)

I meant to explain that the border is the lines around the table - they can be thicker, thinner, or not even there!

Cellpadding is the space between your words and the lines. This can be adjusted also. 

The sites that I've used (not the ones I didn't like) are:


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