How about I just do this merge in the interests of making this site even better

+3 votes
How many will say - NO you cannot do that when/if I propose a merge of Arbuckle-228 and Arbuckle-204? Or would most of you just go ahead and quietly do it. It will certainly tidy up WikiTree.
WikiTree profile: John Arbuckle
in The Tree House by Jean Price G2G6 Mach 5 (54.5k points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
My vote would be no. There is another Person with that name and a close birth date and as mentioned above just adding a source and minor date changes would make it a profile for that person. Plus the manager of the other profile rejected the merge so it would be best to make it into a profile for the other John. WikiTree's policy is one profile per person but there can and are many people with the same name. For that reason we should not merge profiles just on the basis of them having the same name.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
I actually found 3 people with that name born within plus or minus 2 years of the birth year in the profile born in Scotland and 2 of those had fathers named John so I think it would be better to use the profile for one of those.
+6 votes
I would probably do it. No sources on the one, similar year, no connections.

But.. if there is another John it is technically better to use the orphaned one to start a new branch. You can change year and location and use that as a starting point. That will prevent a merge with redirect and a merge of an ID. The fewer redirects in general, the better.
by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (340k points)

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