Bizare census records

+2 votes
I have found someone that might possibly be my grandmother (Lewis-41378) in the 1891 census, although this would mean she was born in Lambeth, moved to Croydon, moved back to Lambeth and back to Croydon again (before ending up in New Malden so there is considerable doubt about it.

The thing is, the census details make no sense to me

There seem to be 4 people in the house, no parents or head of the household and two sisters with different names. The nine year old cant have been married and the other sister is living with two grandsons with the same last name as her that can not possibly have been hers (due to their ages).

I cant make head or tail of it
in Genealogy Help by Andy Lear G2G6 Mach 1 (12.8k points)

3 Answers

+4 votes
Ahh the mystery is solved :)  Thank you
+6 votes
Hi Andy, I have found before that is half a household entry with the balance on the page before or after.

by Peter Cogan G2G6 (7.1k points)
+5 votes
George, Isabella, Harry, James and Alfred are on the page before.

When I see that, I tend to link to one of those people as well as the person I'm profiling to show the rest of the family.

I keep a findmypast account and click on the link in family search and it opens up, so I can see the page before or after as needed.
by Frances McCarthy G2G6 Mach 2 (28.4k points)

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