Profiles of people born in microstates

+7 votes
This is more general interest than anything else, but I recently added a profile for a person born in Monaco. Monaco is a microstate, less than a square mile in area, with a population of (today) about 38,000 people (of which less than 10,000 are actually Monegasque nationals). That made me wonder how many profiles are in Wikitree for people born in microstates -- surely the gold star would go to someone born in Vatican City!

One day perhaps Wikitree could have a Microstates project covering Monaco, Vatican City, San Marino, Andorra, etc. These places are so small that surely a few dedicated genealogists could document most of the local families pretty effectively.
in The Tree House by Jessica Key G2G6 Pilot (333k points)

1 Answer

+7 votes
You could include some of the small island states in the Caribbean and South Pacific as well.
by Daniel Bly G2G6 Mach 9 (91.7k points)
I have relatives born in the Hutt River Province. :)
So sorry to see the Hutt River Principality was dissolved this year. I hope Australia will be able to absorb your family.
They'll probably be shuffled off to a detention centre on Manus Island, knowing our heartless politicians.


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