WW1 Medals Framed

+6 votes
Recently I finally had the WW1 Medals of my Great Grandfather, John Edwin Barnes, who died at Gallipoli, mounted and framed, just in time for Armistice Day. I thought I would share the pictures as I am so pleased with the final result, I know I'm biased, but it looks amazing.

in The Tree House by Paul Chiddicks G2G6 Mach 1 (11.5k points)
Very nicely done. This is a wonderful tribute to your great grandfather.
Thanks George, much appreciated
I had two relatives  killed at Gallipoli, one is a third  cousin 4 times removed and the other  a Great great Uncle, both died unmarried, In the case of my GG Uncle  I don't even know where his medal are. He has a lot of collateral descendants. But it would be really nice to do something as good as this looks,  I don't even have any photos of him.
Thanks for your reply Will, sadly I also don't have a photograph of my great grandfather, which is extremely sad. Do you know the details, regiments etc of your relatives?
In the case of gg Uncle I  do, he had two brothers that also enlisted see https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Palmer-11229 according to family lore his brother Philip never forgave himself for what happened to his brother because Rupert had himself transfered to his brother unit, and was killed,   As Rupert was older. I think he had the idea of protecting his little brother, and that's why he wanted to be with Philip, it is all conjecture but from what my grandmother  told me it would fit into what the kind of man Rupert was.

and https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Pope-8037 I don,t know as many  personal details

And for those you who have been following the story of the Lost battallion and Cher Ami over on question of the week about military heroes  don't know yet know about  sabaton they also   wrote a song  about Gallipoli opps maybe a bit graphic for some so  I have removed link here is one just lyrics see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltAxoW7ltok
Thanks Will, so many ANZACS also tragically lost their lives at the ill-fated Gallipoli Campaign and sad that the burden of guilt was felt by the older `Brother, very sad

When I was a child I thought only Australian fought at  Gallipoli,  We were not taught at school that there were also a lot of British troops 

It was an ill-fated campaign with far too many deaths and casualties, from Australian, New Zealand, British and Irish troops
The whole  of WW1 was nothing but a terrible waste of life. The War to end all Wars, I only wish that, that had  been true.

1 Answer

+6 votes
Looks great Paul!! Definitely gives me some inspiration, which was highly needed since I have been trying to figure out a layout for a similar project.
by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (792k points)
Glad you liked it Steve, I did the same, kicked the idea around for literally years and was finally inspired by a frame I saw on the Great War forum, so basically copied their layout. The frame was done professionally for me.

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