How to edit a locked file on family member under suggestions

+5 votes
I have several suggestions from Wikitree to fix mistakes but they are members of my tree but not ones that I have entered or control. One example is Salmans-131. I got the suggestion but am not allowed to edit it. I contacted the daughter of Nova Weller-9199, Lynn Brucker ( living so can't see Wiki ID) to ask about her mother, a cousin of mine. She told me her mother is now 93 years old and can not see anymore. She also does not remember her Wiki password so she can not change anything. Lynn would like to maintain the data but is not able to do it without access.  Is there a way to add me to the family? I (Owen-6937) am on some of the Selman people but not all.
WikiTree profile: Nova Weller
in WikiTree Help by John Owen G2G3 (3.4k points)

I believe you can send an Open Profile Request for Salmans-131 , as it meets the requirements (born more than 150 years ago).

You will find the link in the drop-down menu for the profile ID.

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Since your also a PM for this profile, you should be able to select the "Privacy" tab and (temporarily) select the "Private with Public Biography" option to make the necessary corrections. Once this is done, just go back and set the Privacy level back to the "Private" option as before.

If your unable to perform the above, try reaching out to the individual (via a PM message) and give it a reasonable amount of time for a response (like a few weeks or so).

If there's no response, then the only other option I can think of is to contact the WikiTree Support Team at and explain the situation along with what you had tried to do to resolve it yourself.

This would give them an idea of what the situation is and your attempts at resolving it so they can resolve it or provide you with some guidance as to how to resolve it.

Good Luck and I also hope that I had explained this okay via text... :-)

~Brian Kerr
by Living Kerr G2G6 Pilot (340k points)
selected by Linda Wooddell
+4 votes
John, I see that Nova Weller's profile has two managers - Nova and someone named Alice Rice.  Do you know Alice and is she a family member?  You can contact her to make the needed corrections or you can ask her to add you to the trusted list so that you can do it.

You may also want to write to about the problem of Nova not remembering her password.  It would be better, of course, if she wrote to them herself.  If Lynn is not a WikiTree member, it might also be a good idea - if she's willing and interested - for her to join and become manager of her mother's profile.  Nova might also like to make Lynn manager of all profiles on her watchlist and close her own account, allowing Lynn to take over the activities for her.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

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