How is Joseph Whipple (1640-1708) related to William Whipple (1730-1785) Declaration of Independence signer?

+1 vote

My Mother was Margaret Holmes Whipple 1887-1933), daughter of William Levi Whipple (1844-1901) a descendant of  Joseph Whipple (1640-1708) of Ipswich, who was my 6G Grandfather.

Question: How is my 6G Grandfather Joseph Whipple (1640-1708) of Ipswich related to William Whipple (1730-1785) who signed the Declaration of Independence?

in Genealogy Help by anonymous G2G Rookie (160 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes

 Joseph Whipple (1640-1708) is the great-great-grandson of Matthew Whipple Senior (1560-1619). William Whipple (1730-1785) is the grandson of Matthew Whipple Senior (1560-1619). (I believe that makes them first cousins three times removed.) You can use this link to test the relationship between Whipple-652 and Whipple-1119:

by A. Creighton G2G6 Pilot (947k points)
edited by A. Creighton

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