Looking for information on Bolton Grant (1921-1945) WW2 POW Death

+10 votes

Hi all you wonderfully helpful researchers

I need help on a South African profile of a POW named Bolton Grant. He is buried in Nederweert, The Netherlands. Unfortunately I'm not very experienced in finding military sources, I have his South African Probate records, a grave photo, and a link to a local genealogical website to his memorial headstone in Bergville, South Africa. 

A local reporter wants to write a story about Bolton, so I sent him the link to Bolton's wikitree profile, but I'm confident that this wikitree community can find more info. I'm sure he/she will have a look at the profile in the morning.

Any help would be much appreciated

Kindest regards, Pamsmiley

WikiTree profile: Bolton Grant
in Genealogy Help by Pam Cormac Smith G2G6 Mach 7 (71.8k points)

1 Answer

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Hopefully the following will be helpful for what you're looking for...

South Africa, Pietermaritzburg Estate Files 1846-1950:


~Brian Kerr
by Living Kerr G2G6 Pilot (338k points)
selected by Linda Wooddell
Ahh, thanks Brian, you're so sweet to help me out so soon!

But unfortunately that's the only real source that I have, and all it says is that he died while a prisoner of war in Europe. Since his grave is in Nederweert, Netherlands do you think this might help me find out what camp he might have been in?
Oh my gosh, Jan, Thank you so much.

It says that he was admitted to an American hospital in Weimar. Unfortunately all his records were probably taken by the American's when they moved out. That was a fascinating read. And I haven't even yet looked at the second link you've sent me.

Thank you so much again, you've most certainly made my day, and given me loads to add to his bio
I'm trying to work out what the list is, if I'm correct that's a list of people who were at a mine? Perhaps do you think this is what camp he would've been in? I wish I could understand all the german headings
I had done a little more searching and located the following information...

Initials: B
Nationality: South African
Rank: Private
Regiment/Service: Royal Natal Carbineers, S.A. Forces
Date of Death: 07/05/1945
Service No: 4242
Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
Grave/Memorial Reference: IV. D. 9.

Commonwealth War Graves:

This looks like some additional details that may hopefully be helpful.

~Brian Kerr


It looks like Bolton and other POWs had to do forced labor for the mining company Sachsenerz Bergwerks-AG in the Schneeberg location, like the preface to the list says:

List of the English and South African 
prisoners of war who were employed in the 
Schneeberg plant of the Sachsenerz Bergwerke-AG between May 1, 1944 and the
end of April 1945, housed in the Schützenhaus in Weiβbach

His record in the list has him married (verh. - 
verheiratet), no children,  in the column Fam.stand 
(marital status)/ Kinder (children)

Wow, thank you Jan, I had a vague inkling that's what it said. Its great to know for sure. The poor man!

Now I'll be off to do some learning about the camp and mine. Thanks again Jan, have a lovely day
Thank you Brian, that is an awesome find! I love that they had downloadable files that I was able to upload to WikiTree and all they required was a credit.

I will remember that site next time I have a world war death!

Have a super day
There may be a POW liberation report that mentions him, however you might be best seeing if you can find a Canadian POW as I think it will be easier to find a record, not all the uk ones are digitised.



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