That's a lot of matches. Some of them probably already have a kit on MyHeritage, FTDNA, or GEDmatch. If you haven't uploaded to those sites, then you should, if only to get that triangulation.
If you can't find any of these matches in those places, then you can message them and try to convince some of them to upload to the same place. Especially with a certain, fairly recent set of ancestors, I have had a lot of luck connecting with cousins and even getting them to go to GEDmatch. I don't doubt that a lot of your matches triangulate on the same segment, so even if you can convince just two of them to be on the same site, you have a good shot at getting that triangulation. IMO, that is a greater goal than marking a few extra relationships as "confirmed with DNA" on Wikitree.
I have purposefully worked within WikiTrees strictures, vieiwing it as a reward for my hard work any time I get to mark an additional confirmation with DNA using triangulation. But the main reward has always been having that triangulation.