Anyone with a Krampitz from Eastern Europe in your tree?

+1 vote
I had a sense that with the scarcity of that surname AND the large familys I've found,  there's got to be a good number of 'lost cousins' out there.


Bob K.
in Genealogy Help by Bob Krampetz G2G Rookie (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
My grandmother was a Krampetz (Krampitz) from Eastern Europe (Prussia). She supposedly came from a family of 17 children with the oldest 6 or 7 dying of smallpox. There were 5 that immigrated to CT over a period of 5 years in the early 1900s. Two remained in Prussia. (They refered to themselves as Germans but immigration records say they were from Poland or Russia). Are we related?
by Chris Mitchell G2G Rookie (180 points)
Since 2012,  I've traced my Krampitz line, 6 generations,  to 1693 ..

They all were born in an area of today's Poland known as "Dobrina Land",  an area from around Thorn (Torun) to Lipno.  My grandfather,  one of 8,  emigrated 1904 and stayed in NYC.

Are we related?  We'd have to compare family trees to be sure..  But by posting to several genealogy sites,  I did manage to find 3 'unknown' cousins in Poland and Germany.    Email me at .. ID = my name with '.' between first & surname

Bob K.
0 votes
Yes, all my Krampitz relatives were from Eastern Europe. They all seemed to have either been from Novograd Volynsky (present day Ukraine), or Poland. I haven't been able to trace my Krampitz line back very far though, unfortunately. Can't seem to get beyond Karl Krampitz (b. 1869). His son Samuel Krampitz (1909-89) immigrated to Manitoba, Canada in 1929 along with his fiancée's family. They eventually settled in British Columbia.
by Elizabeth Krampitz G2G Rookie (200 points)
My great-grandmother, Pauline Krampitz Peter, lived in Adolin, just southwest of Novograd-Volynsky after 1870. Her husband was Heinrich Peter. They had 14 children. I don't know anything more about the Krampitzes. I am trying to track where they came from in Germany. I was told it was Silesia.

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