Can anyone trace Martha Faircloth Barrett to the Native American's

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I have a Story saying that Dominick Barrett bought Martha Faircloth Barrett from her Indian Father for $2 or $2 worth of items.  Can any one clairify that prove it, or down right dispute it.
WikiTree profile: Martha Barrett
in Genealogy Help by Steven Oliver G2G Rookie (130 points)
Hello-Did you ever get an answer that addressed this possible native heritage?
As I'm related to a bunch of Barrett's on my mother's side, I checked out the profile. There no longer is a Profile Manager. The question was intriguing, so I looked for possible sources in Ancestry (as stories tend to be included there) as well as FamilySearch. Found sources, but none that alluded to this particular question. As there is no Profile Manager and the profile was mostly unsourced, I went ahead and added the sources I found to the profile and cleaned up the Biography. I did add the above question to the Research Notes in case anyone ever finds that particular answer.

1 Answer

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She was the daughter of John Faircloth
Find a birth record.

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