Photo Sharing Theme of the Week: Sunday Best

+17 votes

This week's photo sharing theme: Sunday Best.

To participate, simply:

  1. Choose a family photo that fits this week's theme.
  2. Add it to this week's free-space gallery.
  3. Reply with an answer below to let us know which photo you're sharing. If you want to include the photo but don't know how, click here.

The photo you share might be featured on the WikiTree home page and in our social media channels as next week's Family History Photo of the Week.

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Also see: Profile Accuracy Theme of the Week: Family Legend.

in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
edited by Eowyn Langholf

My mother, Lucille Ceruti, and her uncle, Hildreth Smith, always did their best on Sundays to play for the congregation. Lucille was organist of the United Methodist Church in Westhampton, New York, USA for 53 years, often joined by Hildreth on the violin. Lucille was guest organist and Hildreth was the guest violinist in Remsenberg, New York in 1940 when this photo was taken.

My great-grandmother, Eva May (Wright) Ireland (1879-1934) died in Mar 1934 - one month after her eldest child, Romola Marie Ireland (1900-1934).  Although the occasion of my g-grandmother's funeral was sad, I love this photo of my family.

My grandparents, Harry and Clarease (Nichols) Ireland, are pictured at right.  My great-grandfather, William Matthewson Ireland, is back row center.

20 Answers

+21 votes

This a photo taken in 1920 of my paternal grandparents Pearl and C. A. Lovelace with my father in their Sunday Best on the church steps of their church where they were very active.

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (929k points)

This is a really neat photograph. Do you mind sharing the location? I want to say somewhere in Texas but I could be completely wrong.,cheeky 

I like that it's a snapshot rather than a studio portrait. Someone thought, "they look so well-dressed that I should take their picture." Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Leigh for your comment, and you sure were close: St Paul Methodist, 2130 Okmulgee St., Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Thank you Joyce for your comment. It might have been a time when they were taking photos of church members; maybe for a directory. I know they were active in Sunday School there.
Such a wonderful photo, Alexis. Thank you for sharing it. I love the styles of the clothes and your dad always looks so nice. It must have been a cold day. I remember the shoes that your grandmother is wearing. My grandmother wore shoes like that until she died in 1985.
Thank you Robin for your comment, especially about the shoes. My grandmother had a terrible time getting shoes. It was stylish to have small feet when she was young, so she wore shoes that were too small, and it caused her to later have foot problems. She would put on bandages and pads in her shoes, and my grandfather would ask, “Are your feet dressed yet?”
Some of the things we remember about our grandparents are interesting -- may seem small, but they're big to us. My sister and I were very close to my grandmother, but in the mid-60s we really started to 'worry' her -- she absolutely(!) did not like the clothes styles of the day, and was vocal about them.
Robin, I can see the midriff tops...and then the mini skirts in the late 60s not being approved of. I was also close to this grandmother, and she thought pregnant women needed to not be seen in public.
Another gorgeous photo sweet Alexis love it
Thank you Susan, my grandmother always told me that they were the same height, but I think this photo shows that he is a little taller than she is.
+18 votes

This photo shows my paternal great grandfather Gustav Lewerenz, his wife Sophia nee Clasen and their seven children in their Sundays Best.

The boy next to Gustav Lewerenz is my paternal grandfather Martin Lewerenz.

This photo was taken in 1910 in their house in Oering. For what reason this photo was taken, unfortunately, I can not say.

by Dieter Lewerenz G2G Astronaut (3.2m points)
Great photo! Even the dog looks dressed up.  I like to think that it was taken only because they thought, "we should have a picture taken." Do you think it was at their house rather than at a photographer's studio?
Thank you Dieter for sharing such a great family photo. I love seeing older photos, and I especially enjoy seeing the way they are dressed. The bow ties on the boys and the dresses on the girls are so interesting.
Wonderful photo Dieter love it
+18 votes

People wore their Sunday best to the photographer's studio as well as to church. This is my grandmother's uncle, Hiram Houghtaling, Jr. and his first wife, Lucy.

by Joyce Vander Bogart G2G6 Pilot (207k points)
Joyce, what a stunning couple! Lucy is gorgeous, and Hiram is so handsome! Great photo; it even looks like Lucy’s jacket is velvet.
Thank you for the comment, Alexis. To which I can add "handsome is, as handsome does." The family story is that the  marriage to Lucy did not end happily. His second wife, Emma, was a plain looking woman, older than he was, and very kind. When he was dying, Lucy showed up hoping for a share in his estate, but "she was soon put in her place by Emma." That is "the family legend."
Magnificent photo Joyce love it thank you for sharing
+19 votes

This is one of my most favorite family pictures! It features my 2x great grandmother Hazel Thompson (far right) and her sisters Geneva (back), Avis (very left), Marion (left twin) and Mary (right twin). The expression on Hazel's face says it all... Someone's not too happy about having to pose for a photo!

by Haley Martin G2G6 Mach 1 (10.6k points)
+18 votes

My 2nd cousin 3x removed (in-law) Viretta Betts (middle) organizes the church clean-up crew. Circa 1973

by Jared Crayk G2G6 Mach 1 (17.1k points)
edited by Jared Crayk
Hilarious! Thanks for sharing!
Whereas this may have been intended to be a joke, it is a good reminder that those of us who work in the community to perform tasks, such as keeping churches clean, are doing a great service to the congregation. Often these faithful servants do not get the recognition that they deserve. I say hats off to this fine clean-up crew, lest their contribution be swept under the rug.
+13 votes

Frances Oatman looking very glamorous indeed!

by Peggy Watkins G2G6 Pilot (957k points)
+12 votes
My Great Grandmother Phoebe all dressed up
by Kate Eovino G2G2 (2.5k points)
Thank you Kate for sharing your lovely photo of your great grandmother Phoebe. I also had a great grandmother named Phoebe and a grand aunt named Phoebe... love the name!
+15 votes

My Dad as a toddler

by Deborah Campbell G2G6 Mach 3 (34.3k points)
What a cutie! Your dad looks so happy. It always intrigues me the way they dressed small boys in that era -- always difficult to tell the boys from the girls. Thank you for sharing this photo.
He is so CUTE!  What a great photo!
+13 votes

My Uncle Bill was the one who told me a lot about my grandmother Isabella. My grandmother died a decade before I was born. I was blessed to have her older brother for so many years. 

by Rosalie Neve G2G6 Pilot (182k points)
+12 votes

All in their Sunday Best for a 4 generation family photo.

Seated are my great -great grandparents ... Charles "Charlie" Wesley Allison (1837-1919) and Susan Jane Jones-Allison (1843-1925).

Standing are my great grandfather ... Frances "Frank" Asbury Allison (1871-1925) ... and my Grandmother, Oma M Allison-Rammel (1895-1995).

The baby in the photo is my mother, Ruth Ann Rammel-Sims (1918-2006)

There is no date on the photo ... but is is reasonable to assume that it was likely late 1918 or early 1919 ... this is based on Ruth's birth date of 12 JUN 1918 and Charlie's date of death of 19 SEP 1919.

by Bill Sims G2G6 Pilot (129k points)
+12 votes

This is one of my favorite photos. It shows my great-grandmother, Ann Chandler Dodge with seven of her grandchildren, all in their 'Sunday Best'.

I believe this photo was taken in Ann's home in Loretto, Boone, Nebraska, USA (circa 1905).

by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Robin, I love this photo, thank you for sharing it! All the children certainly look in their Sunday Best. The dresses are wonderful, and the ruffles on the shirt and collar of the little fellow on the left is very interesting.
Thank you, Alexis. Ann ended up with 20+ grandchildren. I wish I was able to identify each of these. I do know that none of them are my dad or his siblings -- they were born after this photo.
The babies look like they could be twins, and they all are so well dressed...and all that lace made by hand. I don’t know when anyone had the time to make such lovely clothing.
Thank you, Melissa, for choosing my photo. With so many wonderful photos, it's very special to have someone choose one as the best. You're very kind.
+12 votes

My Aunt Franie about 1908

by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (162k points)
+9 votes

I shared a picture if my 4th Great Grandfather Robert James Richardson (1830 - 1902) all spiffied up which I'm sure was a luxury for him with having a wife and 13 kids! 

by Pam Fraley G2G6 Pilot (158k points)
+8 votes

My new coat, I am 3 in this photo as I was the first girl in my family I usually got new clothes, my 4 younger sisters got the hand me downs. My mum told me that I was very proud of my new coat. It was pink and had some sort of white brushed wool collar and cuffs. What you can't see in this picture are the falling apart chicken coops off the left side of the picture. We had moved a few months earlier and the back yard was a terrible mess. 


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (960k points)
Yes, I like your new coat too. But I really like the chicken coops which are not in the picture. I can imagine someone saying, "stand over here a little ways, so that the chicken coops don't show." I have a lot of memories of pictures like that.
+8 votes

I probably should have cleaned up the ink blots. But, check this picture out! This is my grandfather, my grandmother, her sisters and my great-aunt's husband all dressed up and nowhere to go. I think this was taken in the '70s or early '80s.

From Left to right: Richard Dupre, Elaine Felker, Natalie Felker, Robert Hamel, Eleanor Felker and Dot Felker.

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (881k points)
Okay, Chris, let's do this. Natalie and Robert have corsages, so it is their anniversary. They were married 5 June 1948. This is most probably their 30th anniversary in 1978. (Possibly their 25th or 35th).  5 June 1978 was a Monday, so the party was the previous Saturday or Sunday. Robert and Richard look relaxed, so the party is over. Eleanor has taken off her jacket; Richard has taken off his tie. Instead of "nowhere to go", this is a picture of "that was fun, but we're glad it's over." (The person not in the picture is the person who took it.) Thanks for sharing.
+11 votes

Not sure where or when. Probably at church. But the interesting thing for me, is the way their father has this look, of making sure they don't get out of control. 

by Ben Molesworth G2G6 Pilot (172k points)
+9 votes

This photo was taken in about 1899 and is of my husband's grandfather [[Hutchen-35|Levi Hutchen]] grandmother [[Butlin-99|Polly Butlin]] and aunts [[Hutchen-36|Margaret]] and [[Hutchen-37|Maud]] It was taken in Kettering, Northamptonshire, England. They look so beautifully dressed, I love these old formal family groups.

by Gillian Loake G2G6 Mach 6 (60.6k points)
+6 votes

The Wright Children.  This is a family I would like to have met.  The fact that they used grandparents' surnames- Kane and O'Brien for middle names, suggests that they loved their ancestry as much as I do.

by Jennifer Gonnuscio G2G6 Mach 3 (36.4k points)
+6 votes

The Wesseler brothers were photographed here in 1880 in Evansville, Indiana at the time of their mother's passing. My great-great-great-grandfather Christopher Wessler is sitting on the left.

by Jacob Goodman G2G6 (6.3k points)
+2 votes

Back then, this was their best!  My Missouri Heath family.

by Scott Lee G2G6 Mach 6 (63.6k points)

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