Jane Eagle Plume Dodson I Adopted her Find-A-Grave Need Advice

+3 votes
Somehow I bumped into Jane Eagle Plume Dodson on Find A Grave and noticed some names that come up in my (unproven as of yet) ancestry, and she had no manager so I adoped the profile. And now how do I proceed? Many people think she is their ancestor, married to a Dodson or Dods, but I see so much knowledgeable theories that she is not, and then even more statements from Native America sources that there never was a Jane Eagle Plume, nor even the father attributed to her lineage. Whoever created her on FindAGrave abandoned the profile, and I want to do justice to it. At the least I think I should post a few research comments I have found that she does not exist, yet this will cause sorrow to many people who think they descended from her or her relatives. I could ask Find A Grave to delete it, but then someone else will just create it again. I do feel I should maybe put in her profile there the link to a very interesting article on The Family Connection site that tells a lot of the reasoning .(grrr can't paste the link). It would be nice if I could put some pro and con, but I don't think any
"pro" exists So could use some advice on how to proceed.
in Genealogy Help by Linda Jane Lamb G2G3 (3.8k points)

1 Answer

+6 votes

Hi, Linda,

You might want to contact FindAGrave and check out their support page for answers: FindAGrave Support.  If you can't find the answer there, you might want to contact the administrators of that site.

WikiTree doesn't manage FindAGrave Memorials other than linking to memorials on profiles.

Good luck with your adopted memorial.

by Living Moore G2G6 Pilot (217k points)

Wikitree's Native Americans project in the subject of Jane:

Tribal Historian for the Patawomeck tribe states that Chief Eagle Plume did not exist and never had a daughter named Jane. Her father was not Eagle Plume, nor was he from Colorado.[5] For more on this, see the profile for John Dods.

For an amusing argument in the negative, read the Jane Eagle Plume blog by Jeanie Roberts.[6]

Thank you, and you see the delimma. And probably no way to ever prove either.  But with no proof she actually existed, I feel I should put some type of comment. Maybe do her a bio there that shows the "legend" story and then also post what has been denied, so each viewer that finds her profile there will not get misinformation on either direction?
Thank you I will take a look at those, they may be part of what I have already read. And this brings up the other delimma. He is linked to her on FindAGrave, but I can undo that. And from what I have read so far before posting this, they should not be linked.  But if I did that I probably would be getting edit requests from Dods and Dodsons because almost everyone is trying to find ( or create) Native American ancestry right now.  It is so ironic, I have not a clue how I came upon her page there, I was not looking for Powhatans at all, I guess the universe wanted me to do this
And thank you for the link to her article, I tried to put that link in my original question and it failed. That is the main article I read that started me thinking about how to approach this. I love her articles.
The real Jane Dods [[Unknown-414766|Jane  (Unknown) Dods (abt.1584-aft.1624)]] has both stories on her profile.
Yep . We have her accurately described here on Wiki.  But I have the decision on how  to describe her on FindAGrave. I just realized her profile and also the supposed husband were both originally entered by someone in the Dodson family, who no longer maintains either of the profiles. And with no burial info on either of them, my gut feeling is to remove him as the husband on her findagrave profile, but leave her on there and put a brief description for her bio about the lack of any evidence she  existed under the Eagle Plume name, and that all info about that name is at this time folklore at best.
Sounds like a good plan.

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