Suggestion 544 Possible Mother on WikiData seems to be solved, but keeps showing up.

+7 votes

I found this 544 suggestion on WikiTree+. It seems to say a mother of Princess Marie Alexandrine von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach (Wikidata: Q443272) is found on Wikidata, namely Princess Sophie van Oranje-Nassau (Wikidata: Q242862). However they are already connected on WikiTree.

Both profiles are connected to Wikidata with the Wikidata template, but still this suggestion doesn't go away.

Note that the mother uses her third given name as preferred name. This name 'Sophie' is entered as preferred name on WikiTree and used as given name on Wikidata.

in WikiTree Tech by Koen van Hoof G2G6 Mach 7 (76.7k points)
retagged by Koen van Hoof

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
The wikidata profile for the mother doesn't have a Wikitree ID associated with it.
by Linda Peterson G2G6 Pilot (854k points)
selected by Koen van Hoof
Thanks! This seems to be the cause of the suggestion. I thought it would be checked with the template on WikiTree, but checking on Wikidata would probably be much faster, so that seems a logical choice.

I also thought Wikidata is updated regularly with the newly added templates on WikiTree. Is that still the case?
Ales would have to answer how he creates the suggestion or if he knows how wikidata gets updated, other than by the Suggestions being created and people manually updating wikidata.

I've added the 'ales' tag to this question to alert Aleš.

+7 votes
click on the status button and select "False suggestion (hide forever)" hopefully this will remove the suggestion next week.

I don't know why there are 5 rows for wikidate - this is one of several annoying characteristics of the suggestion software
by Sally x G2G6 Mach 5 (55.3k points)
Thanks! But I was also wondering why this false suggestion occurs. Usually it's quite clear, but not here.
+7 votes
This suggestion is a hint for connecting WikiData to Wikitree, as described on the help page. It was a correct suggestion, so I added WikiTree Link to Wikidata. The link has to be done from wikidata.

That will resolve this suggestion/hint.
by Aleš Trtnik G2G6 Pilot (863k points)

With Wikidata templates that I've added earlier, I saw later there was a bulk upload on Wikidata with links to WikiTree. But it seems this hasn't been done in the past months. So I'll add them manually at Wikidata.

Addition: I now see that many links to WikiTree have been added to Wikidata in the past months and even days, but some seem to have slipped through.
I add almost 1000 links each week. I wrote a few algorithms to add relatives if the data matches enough.

In this case, the name was very different and I didn't add the connection.

For this suggestion, it is wise not to correct it immediately. It is quite possible, that it will get connected in a week or two. If it doesn't, my algorithms will not match it until some more data is available and it is best to go and manually add the item on wikidata.
It's really fantastic that you're doing all that work!

I'll add the Wikidata-WikiTree links on both sides from now on.

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