Getting started on wikitree, seems complicated, maybe it is just me. But I do need some help please.

+10 votes
Somehow you need to simplify how to use this website, it sounds like a real good idea but hard to understand please help me.
in Genealogy Help by Audrey Jones G2G Crew (460 points)

1 Answer

+7 votes
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Hi Audrey,

What are you having trouble with? You've come to the right place to find people who can help. :)

Also, we're always open to improving the help pages if you think there are particular pages that could be clearer.

by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (464k points)
selected by Michael Gabbard
Why don't you have a FAQ section for guest members and other new members??
I've just been through that too, I did get very frustrated for, I guess the first 2 weeks or so.  I new what I wanted to do, but not how to do it, and kept getting lost in the help, didn't know who was who etc..

4 weeks later - now feel at home.

is my profile with my style templates on it

is some of the fancy things that are possible. It's worth percevering.

I think it's probably just a decent help section that is need for newbies.

p.s. send me a Private Message if you need help.

You're a gem, Steve.

Audrey and Svante had slightly different issues, I think. For example, Svante wrote separately: "Sorry to say, but I have never seen such complicated site both in navigate in and participate in with all it's points and badges. Why cant' I uppload a gedcom file or add some relatives before I been approved of other reasons than the main reason? It feels like it's about other things than family-trees???"

When we first started it was easy for anyone to get started adding content, including uploading huge GEDCOMs with no restrictions. We've steadily made it more complicated. Intentionally. At one point we closed off WikiTree to new members entirely. You had to be personally invited by a current member.

As for making the Help pages easy to use -- and easy to find -- that's definitely something we want to do. Whenever you have suggestions post them.

Note for reference: WikiTree team members and Supers have started pages such as and

Chris, don't know if you're aware of a rant that I sent to Roger one Friday night after a few beers, but it might be worth a look to see how I got on 2 wks in.  I'll dig it out if you want.

Sorry, just had a look and I think it's gone, Roger might still have it.

I think it began something like

Congratulations Rodger! You're the first person that I've spoken on this site where I actually new what I was doing. If that's by design, well done!

& went on for a couple of pages.

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