Was Joel Morton married to Sarah Sanders

+1 vote

Do you know if Joel Morton was married to Sarah Sanders? Marshall John Morton was my third g-grandfather he was married to Amanda Fernander. Their daugther  Frances Evaline Morton wrote my mother and told her that her father Marshall parants were Joel Morton and Sarah Sanders. I don't belive they lived long enougth to raise him and his couson MarshJ Morton Jr. raised him. Kathy Minchew   e_mail    kam8943@netscape.net

WikiTree profile: Joel Morton
in Genealogy Help by
What was the time frame?
All I know is Joel was born in 1769. On the 1880 census in Hernando Co.,Fla. Marshall John Morton said his father was born in Va. Marshall was born in S.C. in 1822. I think he had a brother Edward L. Morton who was born in 1821. They born both living in Coweta Co.,Ga.Marshall moved his family to Fla. by 1860. Edward moved his to Dekalh Co. Ga. There may have been more kids.Sarah might of been a second wife I don't know.  I have the paper that Marshall John Morton daugther send my mother and she said her grandfather was Joel and her grandmother was Sarah Sanders.  Thank You Kathy

.I do know that niece  Nelly Morton was in Va. when she was married to Samuel Martin.He was most likly married in the 1800.

1 Answer

+2 votes
There was a Joel Morton who was married to a Sarah in Massachusetts and there was a J. Morton who was married to another Sarah in Virginia. Each of these marriages took place in the mid 1800's.

If you could provide some guidance on whether either of these states are likely or if another state is more likely to be the correct one, it could help sluth out the answers you are seeking. An approximate marriage date could be beneficial for the same reason.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
The Joel Morton and Sarah Sanders I'm looking for would of been married in Va. In a 1880 census in Hernando,Fl.  Marshall John Morton said his father was born in Va. Thank You Kathy

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