How Do I Contact Multiple Profile Managers

+6 votes
I have been trying to merge persons with multiple profiles.  Each one has a profile manager, so the merged person may end up with 5 profile managers.  Sometimes I propose to make a change, such as detaching a person who is erroneously attached as a wife.  We need to be collaborative, but I don't know of a way to contact all the profile managers except by individual private messages. Is that the way to go, or should something like that be posted in a G2G discussion, which they may not see?
in Policy and Style by Vic Watt G2G6 Pilot (369k points)
recategorized by Keith Hathaway

1 Answer

+9 votes
Best answer
If you post a message on the profile's bulletin board, all profile managers should see it.

Being collaborative doesn't necessarily mean discussing everything you do. One of the core principles on Wikipedia is "Be bold!". Usually if I'm doing something like removing an erroneous relationship, I'll post a message about it on the bulletin board so people know why I did it, and then I just do it.
by Liander Lavoie G2G6 Pilot (463k points)
selected by Keith Baker
Hi Lianne,

I was just looking for this answer, and here it is!

Truth is, I almost NEVER use the public messages, so it didn't cross my mind.  I'm running into this for profiles where LOTS of merging has been going on, and I need to communicate with ALL the profile managers.  I've been copy/pasting the same private message to each one individually!

Still, while this works, I'd like to see a way to private message ALL profile managers for one profile added to Wikitree.  I don't feel that every discussion should be on the public bulletin board.

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