Are there any relatives of Stanley Welburn Reid born in Virginia, mother's name Pearl and died in Washington, DC?

+5 votes
I have very little contact with my late husband's siblings who live in another state. Most of the information was anecdotal in nature and I don't have the facts such as date of death, Army service, etc.
in Genealogy Help by Mary Reid G2G Crew (870 points)
Do you have an estimated dob?  Do you know his father's name or a spouse?  Click comment or edit to the right of your question if you can add details.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Chris - Thank you for your reply. I knew my father-law briefly, but due a stroke, he didn't talk very much.  Estimated dob 1915. It was said he was from Dumfries, VA, had relatives there, but didn't keep in contact with them. His mother was single and as far as I know didn't name the father. I'm hoping to get a birth certificate from my sister-in-law or perhaps another source. He was a WWII vet. He married Alyce T Street  in the 40's after he came back from military duty in Italy(?).

I don't know if the additional names on this DC Public Record or obtaining the marriage certificate would be of any help?

United States Public Records

Citing this Record: "United States Public Records, 1970-2009," database, FamilySearch (, Alyce T Reid, Residence, Washington, Dc, United States; a third party aggregator of publicly available information.

Name: Alyce T Reid

Residence Date: 01 Aug 1993-01 Jan 2004

Residence Place: Washington, Dc, United States

Birth Date: 24 Sep 1919

Phone Number: (202) 399-4863

Phone Number Recorded Date: 01 Jan 2004

Address: 1357 Childress St NE

Address Continued: Washington, Dc 20002

Address Date: 01 Aug 1993-01 Jan 2004

Possible Relatives: Beth A Reid, Jessica Dell Reid, Stanley W Reid

Record Number: 137299322


Citing this Record: "United States Public Records, 1970-2009," database, FamilySearch (, Stanley W Reid, Residence, Washington, Dc, United States; a third party aggregator of publicly available information.



Name: Stanley W Reid

Residence Date: 01 Jan 1999

Residence Place: Washington, Dc, United States

Phone Number: (202) 399-4863

Phone Number Recorded Date: 01 Jan 1999

Address: 1357 Childress St NE

Address Continued: Washington, Dc 20002

2nd Address: 1359 Childress St NE

2nd Address Continued: Washington, Dc 20002

2nd Address Date: 01 Jan 1998-01 Jul 1998

Possible Relatives: Alyce T Reid, Beth A Reid, Jessica Dell Reid, Ruby E Reid

Record Number: 536913496

United States Social Security Death Index

Citing this Record: "United States Social Security Death Index," index, FamilySearch (, Alyce Reid, Nov 1986; citing U.S. Social Security Administration, Death Master File, database (Alexandria, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, ongoing).

Given Name: Alyce

Surname: Reid

Birth Date: 24 September 1919

Social Security Number: 577-24-2368

State: District Of Columbia

Last Place of Residence: District Of Columbia

Previous Residence Postal Code: 20002

Event Date: November 1986

Age: 67

Marriage Record

Citing this Record: "District of Columbia Marriages, 1811-1950," index and images, FamilySearch (, Stanley Welburn Reid and Alyce Theresa Street, 09 Oct 1946; citing District of Columbia, United States, Records Office, Washington D.C.; FHL microfilm 2,293,586.

Name: Stanley Welburn Reid

Marriage: 09 Oct 1946  District of Columbia, United States

Age: 27 Birth (Est): 1919

Spouse's Name: Alyce Theresa Street

Age: 25  Birth (Est): 1921



Just wanted to comment on the information you provided. First, I found out that his mother's name was Ruby not Pearl, although I am not totally convinced. Also, Stanley Reid was black and being from rural Virginia, makes the search challenging at best. But that is why I am doing it and hope to provide some connection for my children.

The marriage and death records you provided match. Stanley was actually born in 1923. Beth A and Ruby E, sometimes was called Ruby Beth Ann Estelle Reid, are one and the same. She and Jessica Del are my late husband's sisters. A brother, Robert E. Reid, was not living with his parents in 1999 and neither was my husband, Timothy, as we were married and living in Rockville, MD. 1357and 1359 Childress Stree are next door to the other and as far as I know are still "in the family."

Also l found Stanley W. Reid's military records which provided addional information but no details regarding his family or birth records.

I am stuck, but may have found a possible connection to a Ruby (Reed) Brooks and a Stanley Reid from a 1940 Census.

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