Photo Sharing Theme of the Week: Outings

+12 votes

This week's photo sharing theme: Outings.

To participate, simply:

  1. Choose a family photo that fits this week's theme.
  2. Add it to this week's free-space gallery.
  3. Reply with an answer below to let us know which photo you're sharing. If you want to include the photo but don't know how, click here.

The photo you share might be featured on the WikiTree home page and in our social media channels as next week's Family History Photo of the Week.

If you use a social network (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) you might want to share your photo there as well. This can be a great way to involve more family members. Many people love seeing old family photos. Be sure to add #52weeksofphotos and #wikitree to your post.

Also see: Profile Accuracy Theme of the Week: Loss.

in The Tree House by Eowyn Langholf G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

31 Answers

+16 votes

Farewell to EnglandI have chosen a photo of me and my two younger siblings outside the Tower of London in 1966. We were emigrating to Canada soon after this was taken and my dad was determined that we should see as many important sites as possible. We were exhausted at the end of that day.

by Gillian Loake G2G6 Mach 6 (60.6k points)
Thank you for sharing this great photo. I notice that all three of you have on matching sweaters -- were they handmade? Great idea your dad had, but I wonder if you three shared his enthusiasm then.
Thanks for the comment Robin, my mother knitted all the sweaters and also made the dresses and my brother's matching shirt. My mother made just about all our clothes so we were often dressed alike.
Thank you Gillian for such a delightful photo and story. Your father and I could get along very well; I am the one that always says, "keep moving so we can see more."
Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo Gillian with you and your siblings

I think your dad was a very clever dad by taking you to se the important things
A very cool memory Gillian!  Just love this photo for some reason.  Perhaps it is the cannon that is so big and heavy that it towers behind you and your siblings.  I love the clothes that mom made!  Cute kids!  Thanks for posting!
+19 votes

This is a photo taken about 1905 in Pike Co., Illinois. My grandmother, Pearl McCleery, likely took this photo herself, because it is from the same day as I used for Week 16 Outings last year. It is from her Illinois scrapbook, and I especially like this photo with the hat on the puppy dog.


by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (933k points)
Another lovely photo, Alexis. I love the way all the women are dressed with their white dresses and beautiful hats. It all looks so serene and the puppy is a great addition. Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you Robin for your nice comment. My grandmother moved to Oklahoma shortly after this photo was taken, and I know having the photos of her friends meant a great deal to her. I remember her taking trips back to Illinois to see her friends and cousins.
Such an elegant gathering!
Wow Alexis gorgeous photo every one are so wonderful dress, and the little dog with the hat certainly are cute

I love the ladies are wearing hat

Thank you for sharing this wonderful treasure
Thank you Gillian for the sweet comment.
Thank you Susan for your wonderful comment.
As always Alexis another fabulous foto!  And this one, a perfect selection for the 'outing' theme.  Since I have two little cattle dogs myself, I am totally in on this one!  The puppy is cute but I like the dress and positioning of your family.  A great family photo for the album!  Thanks for posting it!
Thank you Scott for your great comment. Like you, I especially like this photo with the dog, and the hat makes it even better.
+15 votes

Family outing in the new? car of Hendrik Wegerif, ca. 1935.

In the car Hendrik Wegerif, who was married to my grand aunt Eva van den Broek (middle, on the side of the car). On either side of her, her parents (my great grandparents) Dirk van den Broek and Geertruida Lammertse. Her younger brother Dirk van den Broek on top of the car. I don't know the man on top of the wheel, but I'm guessing it's a brother of Hendrik.

by Joke van Veenendaal G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
What a magnificent photo of your family, Joke

What a magnificent car

Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo
Get off the top of my car!!! is what I would be saying if I was there.  There is only one place to sit on a the seats!  But seriously, isn't it the best time for a family outing, when you have a new car?  Thanks for sharing Joke!
What a nice photo; what a nice car... thank you for sharing this photo.  I always notice how dressed up people from the past look when they go out in public.
+14 votes

Weinheimer family outing at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.  The Weinheimers were lake-farers.


by Mark Weinheimer G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Thank you Mark for sharing your beautiful photo. I love the way people dressed during this time. Everyone with a hat-- except the girls, and they have bows.
It is quite a collection of extravagant hats.

Well, Hats off to the Ladies, at the turn of the century!  Big time for those big hats.  I love 'em all and here's a website that does too!  The Vintage Dancer.  Very cool photo Mark and thanks for sharing it with us!

Mark, this is a wonderful photo. Thank you for sharing it.  I, like everyone else, noticed the hats.  I wonder if they will ever come back into fashion.
This is a beloved image. I wish I knew the identities of the other family members.
+13 votes

My paternal grand-parents out in the mud in the Spring of 1951. This is the only picture I have of them together. On this picture, my grandmother is 34 years old and pregnant for a 7th year in a row.

by Jonathan Boyer G2G6 Mach 2 (26.5k points)
Thank you Jonathan for sharing such a dear photo. They look so very happy together. So glad that you have such a lovely photo of your paternal grandparents.
Such a great photo Jonathan!  I love the background scene in this picture. It makes one look to see what is back there....a lake with early morning mist over the surface?...or am I just dreaming!  Thanks for sharing!
Great photo, Jonathan. How many children did they end up having? My mother-in-law had seven in eight years. Is that a log cabin in the background?
+11 votes

I loved outing with the family when I was younger, I still do. My family loved fishing, and fish fries. This week's photo is about fishing. This photo is of my great grandparents, Travis and Hettie, on one of their fishing trips in March of 1957. I am going to work on Hettie's profile. Hettie Mae Brownlow 1893-1975, Brownlow-141. 

by Stacie Briggs G2G6 Mach 3 (31.0k points)
Thank you Stacie for sharing such a wonderful photo of your great grandparents. My favorite is the fish fries-- delicious!
No 'fish story' here!  An assortment of fish, croppie, blue gill, perch and perhaps a trout....all excellent panfish.  Fry'em up immediately, on the bank.  Very tasty and thanks for sharing them with us Stacie!
+11 votes

This photo is of my maternal grandfather, Otis Witcher, on his horse Orange Blossom out for a ride in town, somewhere in Fremont County, Colorado in about 1901.

Doesn't he look like an old western cowboy?  Notice the lasso, the chaps, the hat, and the pistol.  This was his regular attire as he worked on his dad's cattle ranch.

by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Thank you Robin for sharing the fabulous photo of Otis. I love seeing a cowboy photo. Orange Blossom--what a great name! I remember the photo of Otis and Bertha's wedding, one of my favorite photos.
Thank you, Alexis, for your always kind comments. He married Bertha about a year after this photo was taken.
What a magnificent photo Robin wow I wonder how your granddad felt about it

Specially have a pistol that most have been very special

I think the life he had was so special and so very different from Denmark

We never had cows boys or we have never been alowed wearing pistol

Thank you Robin for sharing this it was so special for me with the story
Robin,  An interesting photo of Otis.....he looks well dressed, for the outing, and I especially like the seriousness of his flat brimmed hat.....then I got serious and studied his 'rancher' father, Taliaferro, and in turn met the mother of Otis, Mary Belle......and I have just travelled into the wee hours of the morning learning her history, including her expertise with a gun.
Orange Blossom!  what a great name for a horse, feels really ol' cowboy silent movie type of name.  There is the Orange Blossom Miniature Horse show too.  Of course Orange Blossom used to be the Florida state flower, anyway that is what I heard!  Thanks for posting this great pic Robin.
Thank you, Susan, for your comments. It's interesting to hear about the differences in our countries. My grandfather was not a gun-slinger, but probably wore the pistol to take care of rattlesnakes or other 'varmints' while he was working with the cattle.
John, I always appreciate your insightful comments. Yes, both of Otis' parents sound like real characters. I'm glad that we have their histories.
Interesting, Scott. I'm wondering why Otis named his horse Orange Blossom. Well, I'll probably never know now. Thanks for your comments.

When my husband was a kid, the photographer went around with a pony and a some cowboy costumes. Here's the link.

Thanks, Joyce, for this charming photo. Your husband looks thrilled to be on the pony.  And the pony looks sweet too.
Thanks for the comment, Robin. When I answered this week's the question, I didn't use a picture, just a link. But when I saw the discussion about horses, I added this cute picture as a comment. I'm glad you liked it.
+12 votes

Picnic in Potsdam, Germany, 1886. Florence Marian Benwell, age 18, my paternal grandmother, is standing between two German officers. The occasion.....Florence's mother's first cousin, Augustus Loftus, appointment as ambassador to Germany in Berlin. The original photo is a tintype.

by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (411k points)
What a fabulous photo John. I only have four tintype photos, and they are very dark—certainly not as clear as this one. I love the clothes, and my goodness—the waistlines on the ladies.
Alexis, This tintype is dark and hard to see, but Kathy just took a copy with her new Apple Mini 12 and you see the result......amazing.....and those waistlines.....Kathy agrees.

Very cool family photo John!  The Right Honourable Lord Augustus Loftus, GCB?  Thanks for posting!

What a magnificent photo John, I love the way they are dress,it almost look like it is from a theatre

I really adore this photos

Thank you for sharing
Thank you for this wonderful photo, John. I especially noticed the tall German officer standing on the left. He looks distinguished with his curly hair, spectacles, and moustache.

Scott,  On Augustus, I got the dates mixed up between 1868 and 1886, the latter date being his return from New South, also, is a photo of my grandmother, Florence, age 13, in 1881, with a 'German Fraulein' at Potsdam.             

I did! Joyce, Life and times in America, and, on a motorcycle. smiley 

Ride The Road!
I love the detail of the women's clothes back in those days!  Today they are wearing less with less detail!
+12 votes

The story told by a few generations of the family is that this photo was taken during a special "outing" ... it was for my great grandfather's bachelor party ... the night before the marriage of Johnson Radford Drake (1864-1950) and Nancy Jane Humphrey-Drake (1867-1951).

The marriage took place on 12 Feb 1890 in Shelby County, Illinois.

by Bill Sims G2G6 Pilot (129k points)
Bill, It was great to see that this 'outing' eventually resulted in a 60 year celebration of marriage.
Extremely interesting photo Bill!  Thanks for posting it for us!
Thank you for sharing this wonderful old photo it is amazing
I keep wondering about this picture. Did they think, "we need to get a picture of the guys before Johnson ties hitched?" Did they go to the photographer, who found the table in his props, and did the guys bring their own beer? Or did the photographer see them in the saloon and say "hey, guys, can I take your picture?" I think they look so glum because they couldn't drink their beer until the photographer finished.
The family gossip was not very specific ... so just use your imagination?
+9 votes

My little sis really got lucky on her first fishing trip with her dad.  Dad divorced mom this year, 1956, and this was one of the few times that we got to see him, when he would visit us.  We looked forward to those visits, but they were few a far between.  On this outing, he took us to a trout farm, which was popular in those days.  Throw your hook and some hamburger meat in the water, pull the line out fast and you have your catch!

by Scott Lee G2G6 Mach 6 (63.6k points)
Lee gorgeous photo of your little sister, all ready to her first fishing trip with her dad, sad your parents got divorced

Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo with the story
I love this photo, Scott. Your sister looks more like she is going to a party than going fishing -- but she's lost her shoes.  I also love the truck. It looks like it's clean and shiny with those perfectly clean whitewalls.
Scott.....I grew up without sisters......only was told about a stepsister I never new......sure made up for it with, I can sure recognize the excitement of the outing.  PS  Couldn't help notice the pickup.......then, I noticed the hubcap, the only kind I ever really '63 I bought a black English car with wide white sidewalls and with what we called '57 Chevy hubcaps, without emblems......thought it looked cool.
+7 votes

When I saw so many pictures of beautifully dressed people enjoying a picnic, I thought of this:

As you wander through the Johnson Sculpture Park in Hamilton, New Jersey,  you  will come upon  three-dimensional version of many  famous paintings.Go into the woods a little ways,  and you will see some people enjoying a picnic. If you are an art connoisseur, you will recognize them as the people in Eduard Manet's famous painting, The Luncheon in the Grass. The men are dressed for a picnic, but the woman is wearing nothing at all.

As we were admiring the scene, we heard a little boy ask, "She's NAKED, Daddy! Why is she naked?" He replied, "oh, she probably just got hot."

by Joyce Vander Bogart G2G6 Pilot (207k points)
edited by Joyce Vander Bogart

Joyce.....Having awoke from a four hour rest I see that Monet will be an interesting study when I finish my I have already found him on Wikipedia. smiley

Joyce,  Your post led me to return, via Google Maps, to New Jersey where I have previously studied some of Kathy's ancestors living in Cranbury, about 20 minutes from Johnson Sculpture Park, which, I now recall, had become aware of, when reading about the Johnson family.
+10 votes

Sadly, this image is extremely small and rather weathered (it did take an 1800 mile round trip) but I could not resist sharing it. In the midst of the Second World War the many, many sisters of my step great-grandfather and their families sent over letters, photographs and piles of cigarettes to his POW Camp in Poland.

He came back with and then eventually left behind this photo from an outing in wartime London, a place my history lessons told me was an awful place to live. Still, these people seem so extremely happy (do you see the man pulling the silly face in the back cheeky?) that the picture makes me smile every time I see it.

by David Smith G2G6 Mach 8 (80.2k points)
David,  As I set out on my errands, today. it occurred to me you mentioned how far some of our favorite photographs, all tattered and worn, have travelled in this world.
+10 votes

Fancy Trestle Outing 

by Deborah Campbell G2G6 Mach 3 (34.3k points)
I'm curious, Deborah, do you know what kind of trestle it is?
I do not know. There are some other photos of this outing at a coal mine taken in a  coal cart. There were quite a few of those in Appanoose co Iowa in the Mystic and Brazil areas.

Ahha!  Deborah.....The trestle, with it's 2 parallel wooden rails behind the people, would have been sturdy enough to move coal carts from a mine. laugh

+11 votes

My Grandma, Amy Porter, third from left, on an outing to Sheringham, Norfolk England with three of her friends. 1900

by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (162k points)

Christine.....Took me back to learning how to swim in the Pacific Ocean on May 1st was warm.....I now measure each May by that year......just realized 1900 is closer to 1955 than I am to '55 now. laugh

This picture is beautiful. I keep imagining it on the wall of a museum. Thank you.
Looks like some paintings that I have seen before.  Great photo and thanks for posting Christine!
+13 votes

This is a very unusual photo for my family and it always makes me smile.  My grandfather Chien Liung Ko (柯謙諒) is the center of attention.  He used to do Tai Chi as his daily exercise, so maybe he was showing off here?  The four laughing ladies are three of his daughters and daughter-in-law (far right).  This was one of a series of photos from this outing.  It's written on the back of some of them that they were visiting Taipei's Grand Hotel.  I was able to date the outing from the other photos which showed two of my cousins born in 1959 and 1960. The photo below is far more typical for our family!  I remembered being told that the outing was inspired by the Grand Hotel just being built.  When I researched it a little, I found out that this couldn't have been exactly right, but that there was a major addition to the complex in 1963, the Chi-Lin Pavilion.  I think this might have been what they wanted to see.  Further detective work with the other photos in the series awaits!

by Betsy Ko G2G6 Pilot (181k points)

Betsy......"further detective work with the other photos".....I can relate to that......appreciate your photos and descriptions. smiley

Betsy!  Kanji on your keyboard? 那太棒了!

Thank you, John!  The photo challenges inspire me to do some research—when possible—in order to write a little something about them.  It’s a nice side benefit.

Well, Scott, yes, but..... truthfully I’m not so good at using the character keyboards.  I am studying Mandarin again though so hopefully I will gain confidence with the keyboard soon.  What I’ve done for those in my tree is to ask my family from Taiwan to write the characters for me digitally.  I save these and paste when I need them.  Since Pinyin doesn’t do perfect justice to Mandarin, I think it’s really important to include the characters.  And thank you for teaching me a new idiom!!

+5 votes
This photo is a Hacker family reunion in 1956 at Hamilton, Ohio.  My mother (Opal Hacker Wissinger) is in the back row directly in front of a large tree, holding me and my sister is to the right.
by Robert Wissinger G2G6 (8.9k points)
+9 votes

The Bradley family would get together regularly at this unknown vacation spot. Their home was in Canton, Ohio.

The two people in the upper left are my great grandparents [[Elmore-516|Howard Jerome Elmore Sr. (1866-1951)]] and [[Bradley-4005|Mary Iola (Bradley) Elmore (1869-1937)]]. The photo was taken before their marriage on 20 October 1892 in Canton, Stark, Ohio, United States.

The man on the far right is my great uncle [[Bradley-4004|Mark A. Bradley (1861-1941)]] The woman next to him was his wife and all the children in the photo would have been theirs. They remain unidentified at this time.

In the center row, the older gentleman to the left is my second great grandfather [[Bradley-4003|John M. Bradley (abt.1836-1892)]]. The woman next to him is likely my third great grandmother, just not sure if she is a Bradley or a Shorb. To the right is my second great grandmother [[Shorb-61|Eusebia Catherine (Shorb) Bradley (1832-1889)]].

by Robert Elmore G2G6 (7.3k points)
+8 votes

This is the Hacker Family Reunion in 1956 at Hamilton, Ohio. My mother, Opal Hacker Wissinger, is in the back row in front of the middle large tree holding son, Robert Alan Wissinger, and daughter Kay Wissinger Henn is to the right. There are 4 generations of family in this photo.

by Robert Wissinger G2G6 (8.9k points)
Great family reunion shot here Robert!  Now, make sure you write everyone's name on the back for future gens!  Thanks for posting!
+8 votes

My great grandparents and children. My grandfather is the young boy on far right of photo.  Hiking the Colorado Monument in 1923. Note: My picture is too big.  Sorry I was unable to delete post, but here is the link to the full profile picture. Notestein-16-13.jpg (1202×902) (

Google Map of Monument Canyon.

by Living Notestein G2G3 (3.7k points)
edited by Living Notestein

There you go Living Notestein!  Just make sure you delete the size in the little width box and type in 500.  Great shot and thanks for posting!

+7 votes

24 people at this 1892 picnic, all of them identified and 22 with Wikitree profiles

This is an interesting gathering, dating to 1892. It's outdoors in Paw Paw, West Virginia, but there's a formality to it - almost a tableau - is this a family snapshot with one of those newfangled Kodak's, or was there a commercial photographer lurking in the picnic grounds for just such a moment - it's a large format photo, about 7 ¾ x 4 ⅝  an unusual sized format, but taken at a time when there were many new photo sizes.

by Robert Seale G2G6 Mach 1 (16.0k points)

Robert,  It caught my attention how well all the people, in the photo, are identified......and, following your well documented profiles, was easily able to pick out my cousin, Joseph McNorton Robinson, in the upper left. smiley Your work is an inspiration for me to follow.

Super shot! Robert and thanks for sharing this magnificent photo from the 1800s!  I like it!

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