William Munroe-10 direct descendants

+7 votes
Are there any direct descendants of William Munroe-10, 1625- 1717, and are there any who've had DNA testing? If so, it would establish whether William was a member of the Foulis family or any of the other main lines.
WikiTree profile: William Munroe
in Genealogy Help by Donna Harris G2G6 Mach 2 (22.8k points)

3 Answers

+4 votes
Per the Munro clan geneology website: Historical research suggested that William Munroe (b. 1625) was one of Robert Munro of Aldie's sons and the unknown "Munrow" listed as a prisoner of war on the "John and Sara" ship (1652). However Y-DNA research performed in 2018 (reported by Mark E. Monroe) does not verify this assumption, so we are removing Robert Munro of Aldie and Elizabeth Johnson as his parents in this database.
(Note by Betti J. Steele MD, 28 May 2019)

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=There are lots of descendants but not many in the direct male line who have had a DNA test
by Suzane Oliver G2G2 (2.8k points)
Thanks Suzane.
+3 votes
In addition to the excellent answer by Suzane, the FamilyTreeDNA.com page for the Munro DNA project has Y-DNA data reported for various Munro families. If you look at group 11, Foulis Munros & those related, you will notice those lines feature haplogroup I. Our William Munroe of Lexington is from haplogroup R (group 8).



by Laurence Mohr G2G3 (3.4k points)
edited by Laurence Mohr
Thank you for the links, and the information Laurence.   I appreciate your help.
+3 votes

I am a descendant of William Munro of Lexington, but I am not a YDNA carrier. Did you know there were three different men with the name of Robert Munro of Aldie during the time that William Munro was born, and raised? I still believe that Robert of Aldie is in fact William Munro's Father. We just need to find the correct Robert of Aldie.

by Keith Mann Spencer G2G6 Mach 3 (34.2k points)

Thanks for your query Keith, but such a theory isn't accepted by Clan Munro USA. I would refer to their research in the link above and below. Their report considers multiple Roberts, but they still reject any identification of William's father unless additional evidence is found.

"Not only is there no proof that William was the son of Robert of Aldie, there happens to be two people named Robert of Aldie who could possibly have been his father. Some researchers say William was the son of Robert Munro of Aldie b. about 1566 who married Isobel McKenzie, but most Munro genealogists have settled on Robert Munro of Aldie b. 1590 and married Elizxabeth Johnson. Other researchers erroneously say William was a son of Robert Munro XIV of Foulis."

Source: http://clanmunrousa.org/gen/getperson.php?personID=I647&tree=1

It should be noted that Robert (Munro) Munro XXth of Foulis (abt.1595-1633) had no male children.



If you're trying to connect William of Lexington to the Munros of Foulis, this would seem difficult to do based on the reported Y-DNA data linked above. The reasonable conclusion is that he was not from the Foulis Munros.

I hope this information helps,


Thank you for your answer and your thoughts Keith. My descent from William is from my paternal line, and there are no males in my family to be tested for that line. My father was the only son, and he had 2 daughters.

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