Jacob Troxell descendants

+1 vote
Though I am not convinced of his union with a Princess Cornblossom, as espoused by some, I am interested in comparing trees and DNA with other members descended from Jacob Troxell (ca- 1750-1820), specifically with those connected to allied Adkins and Blevins families.  Working with DNA matches from both 23andme and Ancestry (and using Bettinger's book to deduce the most plausible trajectory of inheritance), I feel almost certain that trace non-European DNA in my genome (detected only by 23andme) comes down to me through Troxell or through whom one of his daughters married. Perhaps comparisons can elucidate to some extent source of this suggested admixture.
WikiTree profile: Jacob Troxel
in Genealogy Help by Markus Penn G2G Rookie (160 points)
retagged by Markus Penn
Markus, you might want to edit your post and change the linked profile to Troxell-17, the profile for Jacob. That will likely get more attention from his descendants.
Thank you Jillaine for this tip.  I'll  make the recommended change.

Not sure why the link to Troxell-516. How is he associated with this inquiry?

I thought you were talking about https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Troxell-17

When, a few days ago, I attempted to edit with "Troxell-17," the system gave an error message that no such file existed.  I then searched and substituted the other Troxell listing.  Today, insertion of "Troxell-17" is accepted.  Thank you for the nudge that caused me to try again.

1 Answer

+6 votes
There are about twenty DNA descendants listed on Jacob Troxell’s profile, many of whom have Gedmatch ID’s listed.  FtDNA had a Cornblossom MtDNA study group, but they found no Native American haplogroups among the testers.

You should probably start by building your tree back to Jacob and adding your DNA test info to your profile.
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (962k points)
edited by Kathie Forbes
Hello Kathie, Thank you very much for your concise and informative reply.  I shall go about carrying out the recommended steps.  I am new at WikiTree.  So I very much appreciate your step-by-step instructions.

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