how do I add an additional set of parents?

+2 votes
In the case of Richard Kimball, there is conflicting viewpoint about his parentage. I'd like to add both sets of parents with the evidence that supports each. How do I add another set of parents?

I don't see a way to add another set of parents to a child page, but could I go to the 2nd set of parents and add an existing child to THEIR profile? Would the system let me do that?
WikiTree profile: Richard Kimball
in Genealogy Help by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (977k points)
retagged by Liander Lavoie

Enter one set of parents in the normal fashion, then use the Biography section to introduce the other. 


Though I don't suggest it, you could enter the other parents, in new profiles and list the child as their child. This would give the child two sets of parents, but it would confuse the Tree.

You might also check out the following link:

You could do something similar to what Wombat Allen suggests on that page.

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

The style and standard page for disputed parentage:

"When there are two or more theories about who a person's parents could have been, and it's not reasonable to think that one theory is more likely than another, it is best not to add any of them in the parent fields of the profile. Instead, all theories can be explained in the biography section of the profile."

It depends on how credible each theory is, and the supporting evidence.  If one is significantly more favored, then link that one.  Whatever you do, explain in detail in the biography section about the dispute and evidence for each set, and at least everyone who reads the profile will know what's going on.

by Stephen Haley G2G6 Mach 2 (26.4k points)
selected by Liander Lavoie
Stephen is exactly right. If there are two possible sets of parents, that means that the parents aren't known. So they should be mentioned in the bio, not connected in the tree.
Thank you! I wish there was a way to more easily find such wonderful support pages.
There are all listed on this page: (click Help in the top right corner).

Let me know if you have ideas of how these could be easier to find/navigate!

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