Georgiana Sarah (Lang) Gibbs (1865 - 1935)

+5 votes

We have been researching my great great grandmother for a while but can’t seem to find the exact date of marriage other than a month and year on the census report. It would be wonderful to find the elusive anniversary day. Any help in finding sources and further genealogy collaborative research is appreciated.

Thank you Wikitree family laugh

Note: We still need her 1880 and 1890 census still

WikiTree profile: Georgiana Gibbs
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (763k points)
edited by Andrew Simpier
Why do you use the year of birth from her death record (when she was dead and  unable to give that information), and not the year of birth as given in the 1900 census (when she was alive and could give the information herself)?
Her son Leslie is mentioned on the death record as her informant. So he would of stated the birth date. The census shows same month as September no day but year as 1864. Gravestone is 1861.
Children don't always know the birthdates of their parents.

I cannot find those census years,  Everything either side of them, but not 1880 or 1890. (Isn't there something about 1890 where that census is rarely found?)

No I agree. I hope to find another source for birth eventually. I am sure of September due to two sources. It trips me up on her so I explain it in the bio laugh

I cannot find any marriage record, either.  Got them for her kids, but not for her.
Most of the 1890 census population schedules were badly damaged by a fire in the Commerce Department Building in January 1921.
Thanks, Frank.  I knew I'd seen something like that on g2g, but couldn't find it.
Oh ok that would explain the difficulty. Maybe can find the 1880?

Thank you smiley 

For your consideration regarding parentage of John Joseph

There were 2 farmers in Virgil NY 1850-1870  census, possibly there earlier but I only checked census listing birth place and family members

William Lang, born 1797 in England and Thomas Lang born 1798 in England. Thomas had a second wife and they named their children Mary, John, William, Thomas, Charles (his middle name other records Henry) Thomas named a daughter Mary.

Your John Joseph named his children Thomas, William Henry, George, Charles, Mary

These old families kept first names through the generations. Your John Joseph was a farmer.

I think William 1797 and Thomas 1798 were brothers. Since Thomas named a son John born 1836, your John Joseph likely was the son of William.

I can't look for wills etc because I have visitation with my son this afternoon and tomorrow so I have to barbeque. cheeky and anyway, I like to torment and torture you

This is interesting. The children’s names for John Joseph Lang and Maria Delamater are correct. I have on ancestry an unsourced father of John Joseph Lang John Lang and mother Mary Tyson but that was just from the potential match from other users trees with no sources yet. William 1797 is possible will need researching. Thanks!

BBQ sounds great! Enjoy!

Note: there is a John Joseph Lang in the New York, U.S., Index to Petitions for Naturalizations filed in New York City, 1792-1989 date of Naturalization March 11, 1846.

Thank you for trying Melanie your efforts are greatly appreciated. I’ve been working on this family group her siblings parents and kids for a while. Sometimes can’t get the whole puzzle put together smiley

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