Why is Aug 2 shown as death date when his gravestone shows Aug 12??

+3 votes
WikiTree profile: Samuel Chase
in Genealogy Help by

2 Answers

+5 votes
Why is a good question.  Perhaps, when carving the stone the date was either misinterpreted, or given wrong.  Another, senario would be it was entered incorrectly in the death record or church record.  You might find an obit that would help clear it up.  Absent additional information always go with the official record, even if you feel it is the incorrect date.  You can always show the differences in the Bio section and explain your feelings.
by Living Butchino G2G6 Mach 4 (46.3k points)
+4 votes
Grave Markers are notoriously incorrect.  While they can be a valuable source of information, they are never considered a "Primary" source and are trumped by birth, death, and marriage records.  Everything on a Grave Marker is dictated by the person handling the burial - so birth and death dates, marriage dates, even names can be different from what is recorded in 'official' records on file with government agencies, churches, etc.

As Alan stated, differences in dates and other information can and should be explained in the Biography section.  In this instance, it's unlikely that there are official birth / death certificates.  Most of this information appears to come from a book that was written about the family, which I have not read - so I"m not sure of the original sources for these dates.

Perhaps Sue Fitzpatrick, the manager of this profile, will get back to you with a clarification.  If you have a photograph of the grave marker, you might offer to up load it.

Happy Holidays!
by Michael Gabbard G2G6 Mach 2 (21.0k points)

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