WikiTree Membership

+4 votes
Okay, I've read everything that I could find about WikiTree, but I have found nothing on how to become a trusted member.

Every time I send a message to a member with information that I have about a name that appears without any information but maybe a spouse I always get an e-mail sent back to my addres stating that I'm not a trusted member, so how do I become a WikiTree member? Several members that I have sent information to e-mails me with thanks and we converse freely exchanging info that we both do not have fully filled out in our trees.

I have been doing research since 1996 when I was medicaly retired from the Army after 24 years of service, and had several false starts. Now I have over 5,500 names with several branches and photo's.

Frankley I love WikiTree but your instructions on several items are very poor. I should know I wrote several manuels for computer programs in the service. So in plane language how do I become a trusted WikiTree member???


Also I acidently placed my father's photo as my grandfather and can not get it removed. Yes I have read how to remove a photo but it doesn't work in my case, unless there is a secret to doing it.
in Genealogy Help by William Duncan G2G Crew (370 points)

2 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
I'll add a little to Keith's good information.

If you're not on a profile's trusted list, a little way below the "Sources" section of a profile page, there should be a yellow box that says:

"If you're a family member request to join the Trusted List. You will be informed by e-mail if you are approved."

Select "request to join..."

The manager of that profile will receive the request.

Since the instructions for removing a photo are not working for you, I'll go through the process with extra details to correct the present situation with which you're dealing.

In the URL, you'll find the WikiTree ID for your father. I'll use Duncan-2130 for this example. Copy the ID.

Now go to the profile page of your grandfather and click on the photo.

This will take you to the photo edit page.

Scroll down to "People, Places & Things in the Photo."

Click on "REMOVE from photo."

Go a little further down to the "Add:" box and paste your father's ID there.

Scroll down to "Save Changes to Photo Info" and click. The photo should now be associated with your father, but not your grandfather.

It sounds like you might be an asset to WikiTree in more ways than just genealogically since you have experience writing manuels for computer programs. :o)
by Debby Black G2G6 Mach 8 (86.3k points)
selected by Liander Lavoie
+2 votes

I just checked out your profile page at WikiTree and you ARE a full member.


Some features and facets of editing on the W/T can be a bit confusing at times and changes and improvements are constantly being added.  Please refer again to the "Help" area on the site, as this, too is regularly updated and enhanced.

The problem with removing the photo of your father from you grandfather's profile will require just a lit extra work and the instructions can be found here:

Thanks for your interest and for asking your question here.

by Keith Baker G2G6 Pilot (108k points)

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